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MechJeb doesn't work as intended


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Hey all!

Didn't play the game for a while, luckily my last savegame still worked.

Unfortunately the maneuver planner from my MechJeb doesn't work like I want it to.
When I try to hohmann transfer to an object in LKO, MJ only plans one node. It doesn't align the planes correctly and doesn't calculate interception nodes anymore.

Tried to update MJ, but that didn't help.

Any advice?

Greets, Malakai030

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MJ just created a node for simple intercept w/o planning a brake maneuver.

After I reached the node and the maneuver was executed, I pressed again the button "create and execute"
Now it made a new node, aligning the planes, resulting in an intercept range of 0.0km...

Is that a bug or a function?

Because in earlier times MJ created all nodes neccessary at once. Now it seems I have to create a new one after every step of the transfer process.

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4 minutes ago, Malakai030 said:

MJ just created a node for simple intercept w/o planning a brake maneuver.

As far as I know the Hohmann transfer function doesn't plan braking maneuvers, but I don't use MechJeb often.  Probably you should go to the MechJeb thread:


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MechJeb is working fine for me - I just did a whole J5 with it. With the Hohmann transfer to a body, I do the plane match before the burn. I also have to fine tune the closest approach (since it defaults to ramming you into the center of mass of the target body :huh:) but other than that it works fine. When transferring to a ship, I don't even bother with changing the plane; I just let the velocity match at the target take care of that.

1 hour ago, Malakai030 said:

MJ just created a node for simple intercept w/o planning a brake maneuver.

I don't think any of them handle braking maneuvers. When intercepting a ship I use the "match velocities with target > at closest approach" function, and with a body the "circularize" or "change AP" function work well to get captured.

Edit: You can always queue up multiple nodes! Just click "create" rather than "create and execute," and the nodes should be placed sequentially. Then you just have to hit the execute button.

Edited by OutInSpace
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Hm, alright, thank you for your reply. Will try that.

It's just that MJ did all that in earlier times by itself, with no need to make it create node after node, including the braking part. So I was confused when nothing worked like I was used to it.
The last time I played is indeed a fair amount of time ago, like 2 years or something.


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