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Span on console using KCT, Oh, Scrap and Stage Recovery [KSP 1.8.1]

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KSP:  1.8.1 64 bits

Problem: when i am building a new ship i start to get "[KCT] Attempting to take control of launch button" and, when i rollout a ship  to the launch site, i start to get "[KCT] Rolling out, 2 to: LaunchPad". I already tried playing with 1. 10 and 1.4, but the same happens, but i had deleted the game folder manually and using steam before make this post. Magicore, of course, is installed. I tried manually and using ckan to be sure (in differents moments eventaully). Maybe it's a problem with some cache file lost on my PC or something like that.

Mods installed:


B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.14.0)
Background Resources (BackgroundResources v0.14.0.0)
blackheart612's Procedural Part Textures (ProceduralParts-Textures-SCCKSCS 1)
Bluedog Design Bureau (BluedogDB v1.6.3)
ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1:
CommNet Relays (ContractConfigurator-CommNetRelays v2.1.0)
Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit
Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack
Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator 1.30.2)
Contract Pack: Clever Sats (ContractConfigurator-CleverSats 1.4)
Contract Pack: Kerbal Academy (ContractConfigurator-KerbalAcademy 1.1.10)
Contract Pack: Tourism Plus (ContractConfigurator-Tourism 1.5.2)
Crew R&R (CrewQueueTwo
DMagic Orbital Science (DMagicOrbitalScience 1.4.3)
DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric (DMagicScienceAnimate v0.23)
Engineering Tech Tree (ETT 4:V20200505)
Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes (HideEmptyTechNodes 1.1.2)
HyperEdit (HyperEdit
Kerbal Alarm Clock (KerbalAlarmClock v3.12.0.0)
Kerbal Attachment System (KAS 1.7)
Kerbal Changelog (KerbalChangelog v1.3.0)
Kerbal Construction Time (KerbalConstructionTime 1:1.4.8)
Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.26)
KRASH - Kerbal Ramification Artifical Simulation Hub (simulation mod for KSP) (KRASH
Kronal Vessel Viewer Continued (KVVContinued 0.1.1)
MagiCore (MagiCore
Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.1.4)
Oh Scrap! (OhScrap 2.0.1)
Procedural Fairings (ProceduralFairings 1:v1.8.3)
Procedural Parts (ProceduralParts v2.1.0)
Procedural Parts - Hazard Tanks Textures (HazardTanksTextures 1.0)
Procedural Parts - MainSailor's Procedural Textures - Essential Textures and Flag (MainSailorTextures-Essentials
Procedural Parts - MainSailor's Procedural Textures - Fairings Textures (MainSailorTextures-Fairings
Procedural Parts - MainSailor's Procedural Textures - Gamma Textures (GammaTextures
Procedural Parts - MainSailor's Procedural Textures - Historic Textures (MainSailorTextures-Historical
Procedural Parts - MainSailor's Procedural Textures - Theta Textures (MainSailorTextures-Theta
Procedural Parts - Saturn / Nova Texture Pack (ProceduralParts-Textures-SaturnNova 1.2)
Procedural Parts - Ven's Revamp Style Textures (VensStylePPTextures 1.1)
SCANsat (SCANsat v20.4)
ScrapYard (ScrapYard 2.0)
SpaceTux Library (SpaceTuxLibrary
StageRecovery (StageRecovery
TAC Life Support (TACLS) (TACLS v0.14.0.0)
Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1:
Waypoint Manager (WaypointManager
YongeTech Tech Trees Plugin Revived (YongeTechTreesPlugin-Revived 1:0.7.0)
Zero MiniAVC (ZeroMiniAVC 1:





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