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Incident Report: Destruction of Gigantor XL Solar Arrays 3 & 4 on Munamina IV


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Form IR102a Incident Report 

Please fill in all relevant details of incident and attach photos if possible (Form should be filled in by pilot if available, or if not available then the engineer, and if the engineer is unavailable then the scientist. 
(Tourists are not to fill in this form due to the technical nature of this report)

Ship: Munamina IV

Nearest Space Station (including orbit altitude): Mun Orbit Station II - 340k

Pilots: (names of  all pilots on board including their current status) Coruki Kerman - alive

Engineers: (names of all engineers on board including their current status) Sanfrod Kerman - alive

Scientists: (names of all scientists on board including their current status) N/A

Tourists: (names of  all tourists on board including their current status, and insurance policy details, and beneficiaries) N/A

Location:  (please describe location of incident)  East Crater, Mun

 Incident summary: (please briefly describe the incident) I broke 2 of the solar panels.  Its ok though, there are still 7 more.

Incident details: (please provide detailed description of the incident and events leading up to the incident - attach photographic evidence - additional sheets may be used if more space is required)

Sanfrod and I had just completed our first fuel supply mission for Mun Orbit Station II. We had successfully taken the Munamina IV down to the East Crater on the Mun, filled the fuel storage tanks on the Munamina IV, and then successfully returned to orbit and docked with Mun Orbit Station II.  This first mission went without incident. and took the Mun Orbit Station II's fuel reserves to 1/3 full capacity.  After the fuel transfer, I noted that the Munamina IV had 850dV fuel remaining in the fuel tanks.  As this was the 1st mission completed for this new class of Mun mining ships, we immediately reported to the Kerbal Space Engineering Corp.  The KSEC was pleased their new design appeared to have sufficient fuel to run the 9 Nerv engines for lifting off the Mun and returning to the space station with a full load of fuel, and what looks like sufficient fuel remaining after unloading to return to the Mun.  KSEC were keen for Sanfrod and I to return to the Mun as soon as we could without taking on any additional fuel so they could provide the final test results to the KSP on the effectiveness of the new design.

So without taking any rest periods, Sanford and I returned to the command module on the Munamina IV, and undocked.  I performed a Mun-retrograde burn to lower our orbit to 8k, and then another burn at the PE to circularise our orbit at 8k.  As the East Crater is known for good ore quantity, we wanted to return to the East crater, so when we reached the appropriate orbital location I performed a short retrograde burn to lower our PE to 4500m above the East Crater.

our aim was to burn all 9 NERV engines at 100% to break for landing in the crater, with start of burn as we passed over the rim of the crater.  Sanfrod was monitoring the altitude and noticed that maybe 4500m might have been a bit optimistic as our Mun surface altitude as we approached the rim of the crater was hovering aournd 200 - 800m.  I said, as long as we make it over that crater rim we will have a good 2k of altitude to land.

looking out the window we were arguing about whether we were going to make it over the rim.  Sanford said I should have allowed an extra 1000m.  but I was concerned that the small amount of fuel left might be cutting it too fine if we had more altitude to kill once we started the final decent burn.

Its Ok though, we didn't hit the crater rim we missed it by a a few meters.  Scary when the altitude scanner drops to single figures and your still racing along at 550m/s.

so safely past the crater rim, I hit full throttle and start to kill our speed.   All goes according to plan, and our decent profile ends us up at around 100m altitude going down about 20m/s but we are headed directly for one of the smaller craters on the floor of the East Crater.  I adjust the throttle and put us down neatly on the ground.  but I noticed that we have landed on a 20 degree slope.  Sanfrod suggested that we do another small burn and move closer to the flat bottom of the crater, and I agree, so open the throttle again to move us.  I then hit the retrograde control on the SAS to again descend but this time landing on level ground when Sanfrod calls out to me that he just noticed the fuel critical alert going off, and just then the engines cut out.

We are still 20 meters above the surface of the mun and not going straight down and no power to the NERV engines.  We hit the ground hard at an angle and I try to use the reaction wheels to keep the ship vertical, but the reaction wheels just aren't responsive enough, and the Munamina IV tips over onto its side and slides along the ground for about 50 meters.

Sanfrod and I climb out and cant see anything wrong with the ship except for the fact that it is lying on its side.  So I jump back in the pilots seat and again try to use the reaction wheels to get the ship upright.  But nowhere near enough force is available in the reaction wheels to affect the ship.  Then Sanfrod clambered back into the engineering station and pointed out that maybe the landing legs might be able to spring us back upright.  So, Sanfrod toggles the landing gear selector and we are pleased that those landing struts seem to be moving the ship considerably, but unfortunately not enough to get the ship upright.

So, there we are, sitting on our side looking at the empty fuel gauge, when Sanfrod says, "hey we still have full RCS tanks" and then points out that the designers knew the RCS would need to be able to move the ship when it was full, but that now it was empty, maybe there was sufficient power in the RCS system to stand us upright, so I activate the RCS system, and low and behold, we are back upright within 5 seconds.

Phew! that was close. As our fuel tanks are now empty, and the RCS will not be able to get us back to orbit, we decide we may as well do what we came for now that our drills are pointing at the ground, so Sanfrod extends the solar arrays, the cooling system, and the drills, and activates the surface harvesting.  The monoprop program on the ISU soon has the mono propellant tank full again, and Sanfrod enables the LFO program.

Then Sanfrod noticed that Solar Arrays 3 and 4 were not producing any electricity, so I decided to step outside again to have a look, and this is what I saw:


Number 3 and 4 solar arrays have been, how can I put this, um, removed? :blush:

Its Ok though, we still have 7 other solar panels and they are well up to the job of running the drills and the ISU.  Nothing else was damaged.  And we didn't crash on our low Mun orbit.

Report Completed by: Coruki Kerman

Report verified by: Sanfrod Kerman

Edited by TanDeeJay
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