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Rotors as wheel hubs?

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You can use Action Groups axis for that, and link the max-RPM of the rotor to the Wheel Throttle Axis. Or to the Main Throttle. Don't forget to set the torque on max.

You would need to set one half of the rotors on counter clockwise rotation, and to add some hinge for direction (map them to the Steer Wheel Axis).

However, you will need to add something on parts to protect them from impact. The grip pad seems perfect for that, and exists, in fact, for this exact reason. However, what you do not have with the rotor is differential speed (the wheel inside the curve rotating a bit slower than the one outside of the curve), traction control (but you could play with torque) or friction control (so either your wheel will slip, or they will stick on the ground).

So, you can have "close enough" systems with rotors, but you won't have exactly the same control as you have for wheels (but I think the wheel system is really weird in KSP)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes. You can connect motors to thrust or pithch or whatever You like even without controller.

I sugest to build wheels from construction parts like crates - they tolerate mosts. (I didnt have grip pads on this level, but it would be better)

Here is the example of my big foot on very low tech in steam workshop:



To control directions I conecting numbers to breakes for each side and revers to each side. Gliding is an issue but its a lot fun to drive it.


But this engines eat fuel and electric motors are far away in tech so the solution for Da Mun is to use reaction wheels instead of motors. They are extremly ovepowered in game and consumes neglectible energy. It works in Kerbal:



Edited by vv3k70r
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