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UI text size appears small sometimes, sometimes larger/easy to read

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Sometimes when I launch KSP all of the UI features are really small; other times they're larger and easier to read. I've not been able to determine a pattern. Has anyone else experienced this and/or know how to control it? I can fiddle with the settings of course, but it would be nice to know what to expect. 

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One possibility, if you use Microsoft Windows and use a screen-resolution[*] for KSP different to your screen-resolution for windows,  is that the KSP screen-resolution occasionally switches back to that used for Windows, which would make your text get smaller at some seemingly random scene-change.

[*] 'resolution' meaning density of pixels here, as opposed to the level of detail actually visible, as it would mean in optics.

If that is the cause of the problem for you, you can try solutions suggested by others(link link link) but the solutions seem to fail after a while.  I just switch my screen-resolution in Windows before starting KSP

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