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...Stop Engine failure

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Hey this game is a lot of fun, I feel the devs are onto a winner here. Big time...

Anyway I'm having trouble making a decent rocket that will attain an orbit, the problem is thus: Lets say I have a 4 stage rocket.. or 3.5. So thats Large drives at the bottom, lots of fuel and SRBs as stage 1, stage 2 is 2 fuel tanks, liquid engine, stage 3 1 fuel tank liquid engine... However pretty much every time I detach to stage 2 my engines are broken. That is, they go grey when I try to light them. So I'll detach that useless stage and go to stage 3 but then I have the same problem.. Engines go grey when I try to light them.

I can post some pics or make a little clip if that doesn't make much sense.

(Maybe this is the wrong forum, but I didn't think it was a bug so thought maybe here was the place..?)


Here's a clip to illustrate what I'm talking about:

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I know you only wanted help with the engine problem, but there are several things wrong with the ship.

First, as for the rocket, the booster must be placed directly beneath the fuel tank. In the video, there seems to be an SAS module blocking the fuel. Place the SAS above the tank and it should work fine.

Secondly, ships need only one SAS module in order to use autopilot. Using multiple SASs has no effect. And why not use the Advanced SASs? They can use RCS thrusters and work slightly better.

And thirdly, try using struts to connect your rockets together. Otherwise, they wobble around and cause your ship to fly off target, and waste fuel.

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