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El paracaidas azul o el mk no frenan la nave

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empece una nueva carrera y el paracaidas mk y el azul no frenaban el cohete, se abria y se desplegaba pero seguia llamando a la misma velocidad, porque puede ser? y esta configurado por defecto, presion 0,4 y altituz 1000



I started a new race and the mk parachute and the blue one did not stop the rocket, it opened and deployed but it kept calling at the same speed, why could it be? and is configured by default, press 0.4 and altitude 1000 



Edited by Vanamonde
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  On 11/20/2020 at 1:58 PM, estiloxd said:

I started a new career and the mk parachute and the blue one did not stop the capsule.  It opened and deployed but it kept falling at the same speed. Why could that be?

Also, the configuration is the default, pressure 0.4 bar and altitude 1000 m.


17c98e479ca88441c28d65a519dcfd14.pngI think something is wrong with your installation of the game.  Your image shows the capsule falling at a steady speed 109m/s, so the parachutes are slowing it a little but not very much.  That number of parachutes would normally slow the capsule to 2m/s.

Which version do you have?  There was a similar bug with KSP version 1.8.0 (but I do not remember it being that bad) so use Squad's free upgrade option if you have that version.

You might try to deleting the file 'PartDatabase.cfg' and starting KSP again; which will recreate that file.  Or,  you might make a backup copy of the 'saves' directories, and re-install KSP.

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