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Decouple equipments inside of the Cargo

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Good afternoon, Im trying to build a space station, and i built the space shuttle and placed part of my SS inside of it, my problem is when Im in orbit and i want to decouple what is inside of the cargo but im not able to, i tryied everything, tryied to put some decouplers and other stuff but nothing handled it, the game still recognizing the cargo and part of the SS as the same thing, what to do??

Edited by Cristovin
Used the wrong language
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17 hours ago, Cristovin said:

Used the wrong language

Not sure if english is a right language for the Portuguese sub-forum. Maybe ask a moderator to move your post, or go back to Portuguese (assuming that was the language your previously used.

Não tenho certeza se inglês é um idioma correto pro sub-forum português. Talvez peça a um moderador para mover seu post, ou voltar ao português (assumindo que foi o idioma que você usou anteriormente)


Anyways, it seems that instead of attaching the part to the decoupler/docking port you attached it directly to the cargo bay.  A screenshot may help to figure out if that is the case but I'm afraid that means you need to go back to the VAB to correct it (and redo the whole mission)

De qualquer forma, parece que ao invés de acoplar a part no decoupler/docking port* você conectou na cargo bay*. Uma imagem pode ajudar a ver se é o caso mas desconfio que você vai precisar retornar pra VAB* pra corrigir isso (e refazer a missão inteira)


*desculpe, nem sei como estão os nomes em português.

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So when your space shuttle makes it into space and you try to decouple the module inside the cargo bay, it doesn’t decouple and stays stuck to the shuttle? Are you sure it isn’t stuck in the shuttle- a brief burst of time warp will usually be enough to make the two separate themselves, but don’t stop warping while they are overlapping or bad things happen (explosions mostly)- and that you are actually decoupling the module correctly?

Space station modules usually have docking ports on the ends, which can be manually decoupled by right clicking and then clicking ‘decouple node’ or ‘undock’, so you don’t need any decouplers to detach the module from inside a cargo bay.

Pictures would help here, it’s hard to think what the problem is without seeing it.

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