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Whale Lander (biggest tank - reason was not present during design)


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Reason was not present during design (not any bookkeeper from administration).

I came to tech with biggest tanks of 288 tons and nice engine covers in career. I have no use for my tiny crafts but because I have them I would use the.

Because why not?

After a while I realised these parts have no sense and no pourpose for whatever else then deep space fuel carier but I insist to have a huge fuel delivery from da Mun so it must be a lander. (Minmus is a bit far away for refueling in reasonable time even if it have better escape velocity and faster orbit).

After a test (alt+f12) concluded that no landing legs can suport it (and forget about stability in 10deg terrain) so I make my own from hydraulic parts set in empty and blocked tanks (construction fuselage could not be attached same way as tank). Because of stability (COM is counted in simplified way for such a big tank like it would be made from leveled subsequential, evenly drain tanks instead of long pipe cluster inside, and I have some experience about huge pressure tanks and its manufacturing - of this particular size) I spamed a bit more then reasonable reaction wheels.

Nuclear engines (19) could not stop it for Mun landing so it end up with a cluster of Woulfhunds (9).

It end up in 556ton of lander:


Because I send everything to orbit using SRB (Kerbin have such tiny dV to LKO) I was not about to change this behaviour and make two stage of proper clusters (up to the cranes of unmoded VAB):


That make starting mass to almost 4mt. I try to imagine this amout of concrete to suport pad.

And of course rocket (as all my rockets) do not need any suport tower:


Fins on top could not be necessary, but there is docked/detachable nose cone, and generally I put control surface on such nose cones if vessel is not tiny.


Take off and gravity turn suprise me to be easy and controlable for this monster (taking more horizontal vector was an option with this vacum engines):


But I choose a more vertical turn to save some fuel and burn a bit in atmosphere:


Spaming some debris:


And more debris:


After spectacular staging:


Whale is on its way to da Mun:


Because I found this Whale intresting gadget and waanna have I decide to lunch it for a 30% of my budget and use it. Because reason and spaceflight have nothing in common (file on steam):


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