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Kerbals walking like both their feet are broken

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Hello everyone!

There is an old thread about this but there wasn't an answer to it, and maybe someone now has the answer to it.

So I'm at my Mun base and I EVA to go check out a nearby surface feature. I set down and and walk (the rover and the rover garage are on their way to the base)  and then my kerbal does like a half stride and then stops the animation but then glides towards the way I want the way I want him to walk, but he doesn't stomp his feet like he's supposed to. I have a lot of mods, I will go through on my old KSP copy and delete mods... anyone know a mod that kills this?  Thanks

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On 12/20/2020 at 4:09 PM, JIMMY_the_DOG said:

Hello everyone!

There is an old thread about this but there wasn't an answer to it, and maybe someone now has the answer to it.

So I'm at my Mun base and I EVA to go check out a nearby surface feature. I set down and and walk (the rover and the rover garage are on their way to the base)  and then my kerbal does like a half stride and then stops the animation but then glides towards the way I want the way I want him to walk, but he doesn't stomp his feet like he's supposed to. I have a lot of mods, I will go through on my old KSP copy and delete mods... anyone know a mod that kills this?  Thanks

Did you ever figure this out? I now have the same issue. 

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