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Am I alone in thinking that the Kerbals themselves can be a bit overrated?


How important are the kerbals to the game itself? (please pick closest to where you most comfortably align)  

170 members have voted

  1. 1. How important are the kerbals to the game itself? (please pick closest to where you most comfortably align)

    • 1 - They are a detriment to the game itself and the game would be better without them
    • 1.5
    • 2 - Unnecessary, but non-detrimental
    • 2.5
    • 3 - They add flavor to the game and it would feel empty without them but the game would still be fun
    • 3.5
    • 4 - Without them the game would have value but I most likely wouldn't still be playing it if they weren't there
    • 4.5
    • 5 - Absolutely essential, they are the core focus of the game and without them KSP is utterly worthless

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On 12/28/2020 at 5:10 AM, mcwaffles2003 said:

I enjoy their expressions and the light-heartedness they bring, I just have a greater interest in playing with my space legos.

I think the entire idea boils down to this part. Which is kinda why I think the poll is slightly confusing. Its not about "playing this game"at all.


Just like LEGO's, you can build amazing things, do amazing things, and Kerbal's themselves are "there to enjoy". However I see Kerbal's being in the game for a very specific important "higher purpose" that your welcome to 100% dismiss and still have a great time. Its their job to act as inspiration for real human achievement thru being relatable. 

If you focus only on the game, you can see it as a simulator with green little men. Which is totally fine. However if you focus on the game as a messenger and platform for STEM, you must have the Kerbals there. The fact the game is fun, the fact Kerbals fail, and flail around and just so happen to stumble in to rocket science is what makes the game endearing. The fact its endearing beyond just purely technical is what puts KSP above other "games". Its more than a game in many ways. Imagine KSP as-is, except replace Kerbals with generic astro-people. Obviously you want to keep them alive, but they just become cargo. Obviously they are to represent humans going to space, heck they could even be actual humans going to space. Cool, there's your space simulator. However, if you see the game as a platform to teach STEM whats better than having your "professionally trained astronaut" grinning ear to ear as he reaches orbit, its that child-like awe inspiring face that everyone should have when being presented with the awesome-ness of space, science and the future. 

You might not agree, and just want to focus on that simulator part of the game, and that's totally fine too. The game is made for many, and the Kerbals are there as they are for a bigger purpose. The game can still be fun without them, but then its just another game. This is why the poll doesn't really capture the right options. They are essential because they literally are bigger than the game.


Their story and origins are from a kid strapping tin-foil "kerbals" to house-hold rockets isn't so there is a "mass payload".  Its so they can represent and inspire people to do great things in the real world for science and for humanity. All their way to orbit, or all their way to their demise. 


Edited by MKI
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