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[.17] TourDeKerbol


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This is my go-to ship for .17 now. It will get you anywhere in the kerbol system with fuel to spare.

I am NOT an expert in orbital mechanics and I do NOT know how to fly this thing to the best of its efficiency. I DO know however that even an idiot like me is able to fly this thing out to jool with half a tank of fuel left before detaching the lander.

Video demonstration:

Edited by sal_vager
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Holy rocket Batman! I might just borrow this to lift a seaplane to Laythe.

I'm not sure if my math is correct on this but it should at least be able to push about 1bpoc (big pile of crap) to an orbit of about 1wrcm (whoreallycaresometer)

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I'll be using this to lift a large payload into Kerbin orbit tomorrow. The fact that the lander stage is so small makes that even easier. Thanks for the POWERHORSE 9000

Do show us what you do with it here in the thread!

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Gamah. What I did was very simple. Only needed to get 3 large full fuel tanks to 250k circular orbit for a refuelling station. Getting my Duna surface station will be easy, since all I need to do is parachute drop it in. I'll have lander legs on the top, bottom, AND sides since it's a non-crewed non-powered orbitally dropped payload for the surface.

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I modified this rocket slightly for better control. I changed the aerospikes for lvt-45's for better control. In all other respects a brute of a craft. Who needs finesse when you can add more rockets. That said it did get me to Vall. Also tried for eve but got hit by the son of the kraken on the way. Will try again tomorrow methinks.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm 0/5 now on the stage separation happening without this thing destroying itself.

During which stage? For the first separation you'll want to throttle back to about 50%, and hit space twice (first time fires up the sepatrons, second releases the corner tanks) If you don't throttle back the heat generated by the sepatrons will blow the remaining engines.

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