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joy-stick controls, weird behaviour, no usual axis config


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so, where can i set minimum and maximum for an axis, even wiggling the axis did not set the min-max, resulting in max-min-step-max behaviour.

you cant test the controls in the settings, and you have to go all the way in to flight to test them, then just to find they were not working right.

edit: why does alt-tabbing out of the program in win 10 64-bit make it white-hangup, crash?

Edited by goofyseeker
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Welcome to the forum @goofyseeker and sorry to hear about your issue. Could you please state the operating system you are using and if you are using any mods?

59 minutes ago, goofyseeker said:

edit: why does alt-tabbing out of the program in win 10 64-bit make it white-hangup, crash?

I do not see this behaviour in my vanilla install, it may be a video card or driver issue.

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