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My (second) landing on Duna.


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I am so very proud of this moment, this was my second mission, and definitely more than my second attempt. After my first "there and back" ship turned into a "there" ship and managed to safely land, I built a lander that *should* get me back up into orbit. The kerbin-tested version did, and after having gone into entry on Duna, I think this one will more than do it.

MET was about 60 days at landing, 62 days after waiting for the right time to get that picture (after having missed it)

The picture should zoom in nicely.

For those who are curious:

Parachutes DO work on Duna, but you'll come in about twice as fast.

And yes, I will be sending a crew to (hopefully) rendezvous with Johnble who will be doing science experiments on the Duran terrain (i.e. I'll answer questions people may have about Dura) while he waits.


Edited by hubbazoot
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Nice! I landed too yesterday, my mission time was 276 days tho xD. I missed duna a few times, but I had 6 tanks for the NERVA engine so no problem, I managed to land on a really steep hill with 3 XL parachutes and 3 smallest liquid fuel engines, not sure if I can get back.

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There's a giant black "burn" right at the equator that's dead level. I landed right at the start of that. Aerobraking did wonders for me, and I wasn't really sure if the parachute would work, but with a little jet-assist, it worked like a charmer.

Make sure you hit that ol' F9 before you take off :D

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