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Portuguese Localization for PS4

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Boa noite, gostaria de saber se há alguma possibilidade de ter traduçao para português do kerbal no ps4 ou se haverá atualizaçoes futuras trazendo o idioma portugues pro jogo, seria interessante pois temos um imenso publico do brasil que joga kerbal space , e tambem pelo motivo do jogo ter bastante informaçoes importante para o desenvolvimento do jogador em sim com o jogo!!!

Good evening, I would like to know if there is any possibility of having a translation into Portuguese of kerbal on ps4 or if there will be future updates bringing the Portuguese language to the game, it would be interesting because we have a huge Brazilian audience that plays kerbal space, and also for the reason of game to have enough important information for the development of the player in yes with the game !!!

Edited by James Kerman
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