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CIV 5 RP mod


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so i managed to get some experience modding CIV 5 and i have managed to create a civ, so i would like to present the following

currently, i am in the stages of making a civilisation based on my RP nation, the Spearkan Federation

BUT when I am finished i can make civ mods of old roleplay nations, notable examples are.....










but there are conditions

1.this is in the questioning stage, i may not do this

2.the old owners of these RP nations choose unique traits, buildings and/or units

3.#IMPORTANT#despite their origin, they must NOT be in anyway related to KSP anymore, before you ask how, i managed to by A-making my leader pic non-kerbal B-not relating Kerbin on the Civilopedia entry

4.the old owners of these RP nations must write a Civilopedia entry on the bio of the nation, leader and unique buildings/units

5.the civs cannot be too overpowered

6.the old owners of these RP nations must make leader pictures, icons, colors (you need to specify a primary and secondary) and spy names (i'm using G@K)

for icons, it requires a special "atlas" of icons which i will attach in the near future

so for those involved....i look forward to what you choose!

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  • 1 year later...
A Kerbin map for Civilization would be amazing. Ive not picked up Civ 5, does it come with a map editor?

There isn't one included in the base game, but it is incredibly easy to make one with tools.

As for the RP nations, I'm interested. I always like new Civs :)

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