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The Kerbal-verse's smallest, lightest, and most Kerbal-ish relay ever!

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Have you seem Jeb riding on a single fuel tank to Eve? yea, it's awesome. BUT WHAT IS THE USE IN THAT!!??? (making youtube videos?) WE NEED TO MAKE SOMETHING SMALL AND USEFUL! We need to make the Kerbin's smallest relay EVER! Then sent it to the Mun! I wonder how many people can do this. So, letme set some rules:

*DO NOT READ THE RULES IF YOU WANT TO VIOLATE THEM!* (don't violate rules, read it)

  1. Your relay must have a probe core! (DUH!)
  2. Your relay must have an antenna! (DUH!) That is not the high gain antenna cuz that's just cheating (cuz it's so light)
  3. Your relay must have an electrical system that can keep it running even on the far side.
  4. Your relay must be unmanned.
  5. Your relay must have some kind of engine and tank for small changes in orbit.
  6. Your relay must be a relay (kind of obvious, but some people just slap on some antenna that can't relay stuff)
  8. It must not crash

those are the rules. If you want some extra challenges, see below.

BUILD SOME KIND OF ROCKET THAT IS ALSO VERY LIGHT AND TINY TO SEND DA PROBE TO MUN ORBIT. (also, establish an working relay system if possible)

Make sure to put your weight in tons in your submissions!

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Should the probe be less than 5 tons or the entire rocket? To stay on the safe side, my rocket comes in at just under 5 tons, with a probe mass of 348 kg. See https://imgur.com/a/ASRP11x for the full report.

Some highlights:


My rocket in the VAB


Probe, still attached to the rocket upper stage, during the LKO insertion burn


Circular orbit around the Mun. I opted for a very high Munar orbit, at over 1000 km in altitude, so that the probe will not stay in Kerbin's shadow for a prolonged time when there is a Munar eclipse - this orbit is bigger than Kerbin itself.


Edited by QF9E
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