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Spaceplane Hangar bad part mirroring

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Almoust all plane i build cause me those bugs for example when you place parts and rotate them sometimes it get mirrored not way it should. Sometimes some parts mirroring two times in same place. One in each other, so when you want to copy for example wing in plane. You get two wings in one. You can see it bcs textures go crazzy and (like u place mirror thing in central and have two this texture swaping).  And areodynamic overlay is off center (I saw this most when I placing wings parts). Here i have unfortonatly some screens with rotation bug I will add more when i get wing bug again. I think it can be caused by specyfic parts only like you see on screenshots Big-S Elevon 1 . OH i did it! Here You go more screenshots where you can see double wing on one site was created it gets very often when. I build airplanes SSTO. Maby it happens once in my rocket when I dont know why it turn on one site (i check everything even center of mass) problem was corrected when i deleted part and place it again from begin.


Big-S Elevon 1


And Double wing bug:

Delta Wing


Sorry for bad english.

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