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BDArmory not working

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Yesterday i downloaded my first mod BDArmory and i didn't work at all, it was like it wasn't there. I later tried installing another mod called VesselMover and it worked perfectly. I did some more research about why BDArmory wasn't working and i found out i needed ModuleManager and PhysicsRangeExtender. When i load up KSP now i don't see any difference in the building mode but when i try and fly a plane or spacecraft i see the BDArmory and PhysicsRangeExtender icons in the right corner and i can click on them and PhysicsRangeExtender works but when i click on the BDArmory button it says no weapons found. What could be the problem? 

GameData Folder


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Your craft needs to have a part called a "weapon manager" on it in order for BDAc to work. Slap one of those bad boys on and you should be able to get the BDAc GUI to open by clicking that icon on the right side in flight.



Btw, I don't envy you because you have clearly just discovered BDA and it happens to be at the time when almost none of the other mods that use it are being updated anymore. I'm not even sure if BDAc is. There used to be so many awesome naval mods, a ton of awesome missiles/weapons/radar mods, so much to play with and totally expanded the game. The reason I came back to write this / was on this site to begin with was because today I am at the point where even though I keep all my mods up to date, I can't get my game to start.. it freezes after "loading asset bundle definitions", just before the main screen opens up. so incredibly frustrating and I think the reason is because of these old, used to be amazing, unsupported mods that were fore BDAc. You missed the golden age of BDA by like three years. Anyways, there's still a ton to enjoy and I'm not even sure if that's actually my issue, but happy playing. 

Edited by Cochise
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  • 1 month later...
On 3/18/2021 at 1:53 AM, Cochise said:

Your craft needs to have a part called a "weapon manager" on it in order for BDAc to work. Slap one of those bad boys on and you should be able to get the BDAc GUI to open by clicking that icon on the right side in flight.

I can’t find that part

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  • 2 months later...
On 4/23/2021 at 11:09 AM, qweky said:

I can’t find that part

Apologies, I just saw your reply.

I don't know if you're still having problems finding the Weapon Manager part, but assuming you've installed the BDAc properly, the best way to find it is to select the BDA part category in the editor, then select the "Legacy" subcategory, and it's the very last part all the way down at the bottom. 

Hopefully you haven't given up on trying to find it/use BDAc... bc it's the best haha.

Edited by Cochise
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