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Ring around the not rosies, KeRb¡N!!!!

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DISCLAIMER: WarpPrime is not responsible for any lag and/or game crashes caused by attempting this challenge.

The Challenge:

Create a ring of debris around Kerbin in stock KSP. DLCs can be used, and are recommended for this challenge. You may not use any mods, including TweakScale. Debris can be of any type, but cannot be asteroids (pieces of broken/defunct spacecraft are allowed). The ring must cover the entire circumference of Kerbin (not the entire Kerbin surface area).

Submission criteria:

Most rings around Kerbin wins. Each ring must be large enough to be seen at maximum zoom-out. Each ring must be made of separate objects no larger than 25 m. Constructing the rings can be done in any method, such as:

  • Blowing up a space station (uncrewed, of course)
  • Launching a large amount of cubesats into orbit

Invalid construction methods include:

  • Manually making a ring out of parts in the VAB/SPH, then decoupling each ring segment
  • Using set orbit or any other kind of cheat
  • Using Kopernicus to procedurally generate rings around Kerbin

Please post a picture of your ringed Kerbin, how many rings you added, and your method of construction. Also, state the approximate (correct to about 1 km or so) altitude of each ring, and how many segments are in each one.


You get 100 points for the first ring, 200 points for the second, 300 for the third, etc. Each kerbal killed (maybe in launch failures, space station wrecking, random debris striking a home near the KSC, etc.) will result in a 10 point deduction. Don't kill kerbals!!!! Highest score wins. Ties will be handled based on the spacing of each ring segment in each ring, and the highest orbit altitude of the ring system.


1st place: N/A

2nd place: N/A

3rd place: N/A

Edited by WarpPrime
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