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Cannot rescue Caremone Kerbin.

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I have a contract to Rescue Caremone Kerbin from Low Kerbin Orbit.

I can see Caremone's Heap in the tracking station and the name shows if I mouse over it.  However Caremone's Heap dows not show up in the tracking list on the left. All possible types of trackable objects are selected. I cannot select it abd the Terminate button does not light . If I am close to  in orbit I cannot switch to it to get Caremone out of the vessel.

I do currently have a contract to rescure Theovin from orbit and his vessel shows up in the Tracked Objects and I can select it and the terminate button does light. I have completed previous rescue contract with out issue.

Any way to recover  or fix the glitch? Do I have to drop the contract and If I do will I get the chance to rescue Carmone again?

I am running with Making History 1.11.1 and Breaking Ground 1/6/1.

I do have...






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I don't know why its not showing up but how do you know you're close to it?

I believe, if you get within 2km you can then switch to it using the [ or ] keys. Is it in a circular orbit? I wonder if its possible to approach it using a guaranteed-to-rendezvous orbit such as if its 80x80, then orbit behind at 79x79 and you'll eventually have to be within 1km. Mind you, you'd need to have the inclination the same too.

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