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[0.17] MOhon missions


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Hi, this threat shows my missions in KSP v0.17

Thanks to previous versions we could learn piloting techniques to reach nearby objects in space.


Hermes Munar Program is a launches program manned spacecraft by one kerbonaut. His goal is to visit moons and asteroids, and sometimes achieve low orbit planets that can not land. Never has MechJeb. All maneuvers are controlled by the pilot (Me!).

List of Hermes Missions:


- Atenea VII DEMV-1: DEMV (Duna Explaration Duna Vehicle) is a great vehicle to explore planet surfaces by BobCat. In this case I use the first model to search and find finally the Duna face.

Portrait mission.


- Atenea VIII Laythe water: Laythe is an oceanic Jool moon, with similar enviromental Kerbin conditions. Is it possible to colonize? The future project Hera mission project attempt know it.

Portrait mission.


-Atenea IX Tylo hug: Another Jool moon.


-Atenea X Good Vall: Another Jool moon. Rocky, but certain gravity.

Portrait mission.

- Visit the last Jool moon: Bop.

- Project Hera incoming: Objetives: Search anomalies, deploy rovers or DEMV or Hermes to investigate, and research possibilities to colonize.

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If you can match the moho orbit good enough, try quicksaving each time at your periapsis? Or apoapsis, the one that is not intersecting the moho orbit. Once you have a pass that comes close enough, but just doesnt get into its SOI, you can quickload the save and adjust your orbit so you can arrive earlier or later, or whatever you need to do, and intersect it. Also you will want to try to intersect moho when it is going its fastest, at its lowest point or around there. This will reduce the amount of velocity you will have to burn off, as a 30x30k orbit is about 1000m/s

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Not easy but I could always get. I use Mechjeb support, but for all operations I don't use Traslator or Tranfer device.

When you scape from Kerbin gravity, beam down your orbit until touch the Moho orbit on (I called) "The interface point". "The interface point" doesn't have to match the Moho apoapsis or periapsis, and don't worry for the angle.

Logically your orbit will always last longer than Moho orbit. You must warp slightly ahead the interface and put the ship retroorbit. Engage engines and watch the time you're trapped by Moho in "the interface point".


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- Atenea II Terran lander

Resume: Named "Terran lander" because the engineers thought it was better to land on earth in the lethal sea ice. It's sencond Atenea's mission considering that the first "Atenea I Orbiter concilior". We modified it by adding parachute for landing, although these exploded on contact with the atmosphere.


Hector R-6 luancher: The launcher rocket HR-6 is an improvement over the HR-4 used in the Hermes mission launches. Has two fases with six plus one Rockomax engines.


Objetives: In Atenea mission the objective is the knowledge of environmental conditions, gravity and sand colour of the other planets in the solar system. In this case, wanted to know the qualities Eve sea ice and atmospheric pressure at the surface.


Incidents: When the engineers thought in that fly they consider Eve an oceanic planet, cold, with a dense atmosphere and revolt. A-II Terran lander had 5 parachute to slow his fall, but the contact with the outer strata of the atmosphere, four were lost. Luckily, it was time to start the engines and landed safely.


Conclusions: Sand colour = Blue; Pressure = More high than Kerbin pressure; Ice sea = Sames something like liquid Nitrogen, deadly!

Portrait mission.

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- Atenea IV Moho Duner (The rover belongs to the next mission)

Resume: The engineers called it "duner" because they thought a desert planet would only dunes with out atmosphere, but not so. A-IV has two probes but it exploded at contact in high speed with the Moho's atmosphere. It's rocky planet with interesting enviromental conditions and a huge volcano they have called "Olimpus". The first mission to this planet landed near "Olimpus" and still there.


Objectives: Like previously mission to Eve, main target is the knowledge of environmental conditions, gravity and sand colour. Moho is desert, with low gravity, almost no atmosphere and a great volcano we called "Olimpus".

Impressions: I think so that planet with reddish brown sand isn't interesting, but the volcano yes it is. I it internal crater we found some liquid, probably acidic water from the planet's interior possibly hot.

Projects: The sun conditions and the presence of acidic water into the volcano enables first research mission called "Olimpus Mohon Base". That base has devices to study herbal growth, mineral composition, soil quality, etc. See in the next post.

Portrait mission. Sand colour = Red, brown and reddish brown.

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Hera project: After Atenea program successes, starting a new program with the objective of further study the characteristics of the most interesting planets,and try to locate and investigate anomalies.

Hera project will study mineral composition, soil quality, variability weather, diary pressure, wind force, variability ground colour, water presence, gases, and variance temperature.

Also, we install a small habitable base to observe the effects of a long stay.


Hera craft: This is Hera craft, the model to create different planent missions.


Hera modules: Hera has three ships. The main ship it's an Environmental Laboratory with Habitable module (Right), on top ship it's ISAMap module (Left) and finally ship it's LandRover module (Middle)


Hera launcher: The launcher is Hector R-6, same Atenea launcher.

Hera fases:


First, the HR-6 launcher takes to circular Kerbin orbit, after takes to scape orbit and after takes to interface target planet (in this case, Duna) orbit.

Second, the final HR-6 fase takes to circular target planet orbit and decouples.


Third, ISAMap module separates. One crewmember board it and take it to polar orbit to mapping target planet and lacate different anomalies.


After, comeback to initial Hera orbit to out again and board Hera main ship.

Fourth, Hera crew in the Hera main ship plan a route to visit the maximum number of anomalies, taking into account the amount of fuel from the ship and known environmental conditions of the target planet.

Fifth, visit anomalies and reporting observations (see next mission).


Sixth, at last anomalie to investigate, decouples the landrover. In this location, Hera install devices to study mineral composition and other works. The landrover module is used to collect samples, check weather and turn around occasionally.

Finally, one Atenea Orbiter concilior is sent to rescue the crew and lead safe to home.

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- Hera I Duna Environmental: Is the first Hera mission.

the "Duna face", previously discover in A-VII DEMV-I.

We discover two anomalies but only one has been verified,

On the other hand, it is known other anomalie that in 66º 3' 7'' S 160º 52' 55'' W, but in my ISAMap not appears and I travel to that point and I found nothing. Presumably this is the point which a pyramid emits the SSTV.

Portrait mission.

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- Hera II Eve enviromental, second Hera mission. Eve is an oceanic planet but with very had environmental conditions. His high gravity and pressure make the ocean ice and deadly.


ISAMap doesn't detect anomalies but I theorized that some mountain formations are artificial forms.


I think that form sames skeleton

Portrait mission.

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It's easy to land in other planets!

There are two ways:

- Make an orbit in which at least match the orbit of the target planet at one point. Then we warp even a little after that point, and depending on our orbit is longer or shorter than the target planet orbit, try to trust forward o backwrd to macht it. Gotta watch it at any particular time appears a point where we are trapped by the target planet's gravity.

- Calculate gradient between objective and planet Kerbin of direct launch so that when the periapsis of our orbit reaches the target planet orbit, is just the time when we are trapped by the target planet's gravity. For example, about 135 ° to Jool or about -120 ° to Moho.

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While Hera and Hermes missions continue to explore the planets, in Kerbin have launched a series of surface exploration missions that have called DEMV-X.

Below the results.


I hope you don't miss any anomaly




Monolith in mountains west of KSP. App. coords, -1 N -18 E

Floating like 100 meters from the ground...


Monolith in far mountains north of KSP. App. coords, 36 N -75 E

Jeb, don't touch!! You don't know what could happen!!


The other KSP. App. coords, 20 N -146 E



Monolith so far. App. coords, -29 N -13 E


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Well, for now, while Hera missions arrive to Moho and Jool moons, I launch a prototype of a large rover. It's rover similar to NASA Space Shuttle mission.

As this provisional mission has been a success I decided to put the photos here.






Orbiting Mun to take ISAMap



Monolith in app. coords -10 N 25 E


Mun Arc in app. coords 2 N 81 E


Mun Arc in app. coords 11 N 38 E


Neil Armstrong Memorial in app. coords Eq 22 E

In Mun three points ISAMap warns that such anomalies but where I could not find anything. If anyone founds something there, please, notify me.

Mun app. coords I found nothing: -81.9 N 102.6 E; -12.6 N 141.3 E; 56.7 N 9 E.

Minmus incoming...

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How do you use empty capsules like on the Olimpus base for your rovers?

this, ive gotten empty crew pod mods and such, but when i get in them they dont function and just become debris, ive been wanting to make a multi ship craft for awhile.

as far as your missions, spectaculer, really nice mission log youve kept, love your olympis design.

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How do you use empty capsules like on the Olimpus base for your rovers?
Well, I use my own editions of stock command pods.

Try! You can make it. Copy part folders Mk1-2Pod and mk1pod and change they names. After, edit .cfg archives change "module = CommadPod" by "module = FuelTank" or by "module = Strut".

If you change by fueltank, you must include at the end the fueltank parameters, for example:

// --- fuel tank parameters ---

fuel = 200.0
dryMass = 2.5
fullExplosionPotential = 0.9
emptyExplosionPotential = 0.1

Pay attention to "dryMass" number. It's the mass when the part is empty, always less than the initial mass.

Always you must introduce that code:

// --- pod/rcs parameters ---

rotPower = 10
linPower = 10

Kp = 1.0
Kd = 1.0

// --- internal setup ---
CrewCapacity = 1

The "Crewcapacity" can be any quantity, but for small pods is 1.

For command pods with 2 or more crew, also you must write after that code to allow IVA:

name = PodCockpit

You really can transform to commandpod any part, although they need to have a hatch to allow EVA.

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this, ive gotten empty crew pod mods and such, but when i get in them they dont function and just become debris, ive been wanting to make a multi ship craft for awhile.

as far as your missions, spectaculer, really nice mission log youve kept, love your olympis design.

Yeah, there are several mods with empty pods. For KSP 0.16, all working but

for KSP 0.17 I found only that of ORDA and my pods work, for now ...

Thanks for your words!!

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There are some stations with stock parts and only Durgun capsule engine and Mechjeb.


Stock Station I


Stock Station II


Stock Station III


Stock Station VIII


Stock Station X

All ship can reach 300km Kerbin orbit alone, without rocket launchers, from the surface of Kerbin, and all have escape capsule to return to Kerbin.



P.D: I show only designs I love. Other designs not beauty.

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I initialized with this first flight a new space program, Taurus missions, to get get back to all the planets and moons of the system using only stock parts.

As always, and because I think it makes the game great and interesting, I use a single mod, MechJeb, and only as an aid in the guidance.

I promise that I always will control the power of the engines, the decoupling, the moments to find interception phases and landings.

I use only MechJeb as an information tool and as a standard ASAS (indeed ASAS always include it in the design to compensate the "realistic" weight)

That Taurus mission only has one crewmember, Jebedaiah Kerman, which should always do an EVA on the target object and then landing at KSC, where it will be picked up by a DEMV-II adapted to land rescue.


Preparing launch.


Landed in Mun.


Jeb climbing to DEMV-II Land Rescue.


Returned to Kerbin Space Center.

Portrait mission.

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