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yaclog-ksp: a changelog generator for KerbalChangelog

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A command line tool based on yaclog for converting markdown changelogs to KerbalChangelog config files.

available on github and pypi



 pip install yaclog-ksp


Usage: yaclog-ksp [OPTIONS]

  Converts markdown changelogs to KSP changelog configs.

  --path FILE        Location of the changelog file.  [default: CHANGELOG.md]
  -o, --output FILE  Output file to write to. Uses
                     'GameData/{name}/Versioning/{name}ChangeLog.cfg' by

  -n, --name TEXT    The name of the mod. Derived from the current directory
                     by default.

  --version          Show the version and exit.
  --help             Show this message and exit.

for example, running yaclog-KSP --path MyLog.md -n "My KSP Mod" would output to GameData/MyKSPMod/Versioning/MyKSPModChangeLog.cfg

Input files are in markdown, and use a certain syntax to be readable by the tool. Metadata is included in a table at the top of the file (which row you make the header doesnt matter). Each version is an subheading with the version, an optional date, and the KSP version as a tag on the end in brackets

Example Changelog:

# Changelog

This is the changelog for my cool mod!

| modName | MyCoolMod     |
| ------- | ------------- |
| license | CC-By-SA      |
| website | Example.com   |
| author  | A cool person |

## 1.0.0 - 2020-04-16 [KSP 1.11]

First full release

### Fixed

- Nyan Cat now has correct music

### Added

- Multiplayer

## 0.9.1 [KSP 1.10.1]

Supported versions: 0.2.0 beta to 1.10.x

### Changed

A very complicated thing that I can't easily explain in bullet points, 
but this paragraph works pretty well to get the point across!

- Another thing that has multiple specific items
    - this bullet point
    * and this other one
    + oh and another one!

### Removed

- Herobrine


I'm currently working on a command line tool to generate and append to markdown changelogs 

Edited by cineboxandrew
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