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Oceans/lakes with different liquids? Waves in KSP 2?


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I know in ksp there are some kind of waves, but I was thinking maybe in ksp 2 there would be scenarios where you would have bigger waves if your nearby a massive star or gas giant, because of the gravitational pull. Like in the movie interstellar.(not as big ofc)

An other thought was if there will be oceans just made out of water or maybe there will be some lakes (or oceans) made out of other liquids. Titan is so far away from the sun that the conditions for hydrocarbon lakes, made out of methane and ethane in liquid form are met. I doubt these will be a features in ksp2 but still would be cool.

What are your thoughts on this? (Please correct me if I’m wrong about something ty!)

Edited by Gacrux
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