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[Tutorial] Duna For Dummies: How to get there without math


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  • 10 months later...
Is it possibru to get there with chemical rockets?

You can go to any moon or planet and back to Kerbin with chemical rockets (liquid fuel oxide), you just need to design it for specific mission: a rocket for Eve won't be the same than a rocket for let's say Dres.

It's possible to use one reuse-able chemical rocket design for All moons and Moho, Duna, Dres, Eeloo (maybe except Laythe and Tylo), different players have done it. I have a design for this, it's big (17 kerbals + science + isru, 6000 m/s delta-V, one Kerbodyne engine KR2) but the bigger the better ! :)

Nuclear rockets don't exist in real world, except old prototypes, they overheat a lot more than in the game, produce large amount of nuclear waste and use to blow in the face of their creator. :sticktongue:

Ion or other new non nuke prop are interesting.

Edited by xebx
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