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Stock NERVA vs NovaPunch NERVA


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I find both of these to be useful and fair. The stock NERVA has low thrust, high efficiency and is only somewhat heavy, but very large. The NP NERVA has high thrust, high efficiency and is more compact, but SUPER heavy. With these characteristics, I consider neither to be cheating.

What do you fellow astronauts think?

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Stock NERVA:

Weight: 2.25

Thrust: 60

Gimbal: 1


Weight: 8.5

Thrust: 235

Gimbal: 0.5

Both engines have much higher impulse in vacuum than in atmosphere and are both incredibly fuel efficient.

Edited by JMBuilder
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I tend toward the NP NERVA if I'm looking at a long mission with a large ship. Then it just makes sense to make the most out of my fuel. (To that end, I much prefer ion engines, if I have a choice.)

The stock NERVA is great for smaller ships though. 6 tonnes is a pretty big difference. O.o

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