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Update broke tutorials

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Hello, I bought the game a couple of weeks ago and was slowly going through the tutorials. I was already up to Docking. I noticed there was an update installed today and I couldn't replicate any of the manoeuvrers I had achieved last week, so I decided to go back a few tutorials. I can't get any , except the 1st, to work. The 2nd one refuses to stage and the capsule crashes every time. When I press the stage button, the engine just moves to the parachute stage.

Any way to revert to the previous version?

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Yes.  x7vATDU.jpgDifferent sellers give you different methods to choose the older versions. 

At the KSP Store, you log in to the account you set up to buy the game, follow 'Download' and look down the page for the previous version(s).

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48 minutes ago, Bollen said:

Thank you OHara, but I'm on Steam.

On steam, right click the game in library list, select "Properties", then "Betas" in the window that pops up.

The older versions can be found under "select which beta you would like to opt into" dropdown

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