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Issues with new Alarm Clock

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I just installed the newest patches to move to

I am having an issue with the new built in Alarm Clock.

I used the addon KAC to create an alarm for the next Kerbin to Eve transfer windows.

My current game time is Year 5, Day 89.

It shows the next window as Year 5, Day 204 - 00:00:00 (114d, 4h, 7m). In the Transfer Window Planner addon it shows in insertion dV as 1435m/s

I then used the new Built in alarm to create  the same window alarm.

It shows Year 6, Day 209 - 00:00:00 (1y, 120d,1h 3m). In the Transfer Window Planner addon it shows in insertion dV as 5153m/s. According to the TWP addon there is now good window at this time.

Also I am getting inconsistent results with the new Maneuver planner. I tell it to calculate a new maneuver for a ship in Kerbin orbit to go to Eve. Sometimes I get as low dV manuver that never gets out of Kerbin SOI. Right after that when I redo it I do get a transfer to Eve  for 129d (which is close to the first timing above) and a dV of 551.3m/s which is much lower than the above maneuvers.

Is there something I could be doing wrong or is the Alarm clock and new maneuver planer unreliable?


Thanks in advance

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For the limitations of the current implementation, see the link below.

Meanwhile, if you can actually produce a situation in which the transfer tool creates a node that literally does not work (like not even leaving the SOI), then please try and see if you can find a way to consistently reproduce it. Like, a series of steps going "load this save file, go fly craft XYZ, use tool to create node to destination ABC".

If you can find such a reliable reproduction method in a save completely without mods, please create a bug report with it at https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com and then link to it here. I'll make sure it gets seen. Provide all the information you can, such as a save file for download, and precise instructions on what to do with it.



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