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Space Building Kraken

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I just added a part, everybody's favorite strut, to a tug I built for cleaning up the orbit. I had grabbed a large first stage that was also debris that needed to be in control of for a mission. Since I can't ever seem to get RCS controls to actually do there job in relations to the  major axis of movement, I just grabbed it as it is and it was moving around a bit too much. So I unlocked the Big Grabber pivot and moved around until it mostly parallel. Then I sent out my engineer to to attach a strut. I read, from the wiki I believe, about attaching it to the older part first, which I did. Then target my next piece of junk and made a slight adjustment in orbit for a closer approach. The approach was on the other side and I then hit fast forward while in the map view. It almost instantly popped me back to the ship view to see a puff of smoke and one more Kerbal killed in the line of duty by a kraken.


As I said I read about this bug, but the sage advice didn't seem to help. In the death report it said everything over heated and exploded.

Here is the player log link:


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I posted here since I couldn't find the bug reporting, and since I have two mods installed. KER and Precision Node. Fortunately I saved just prior and I'm in the tedious process of trial and error trying to figure out how to release and recapture.  (The ejection force from the AGU on release is way too high)

I found my reason for such poor RCS  control was becaused I accidentally installed 6 radially distributed blocks. Fortunately this is a construction tug so I have a bunch of spare parts. But even after rearranging the blocks with my engineer RCS blocks are junk at maintaining an attitude and need perfect alignment with the center of gravity amongst numerous other variables to avoid spinning. (Which I've started utilize time warp to stop, a quick >&<) My next attempt will be with AGU on a stick (another major major bug is the lack of lateral reinforcement) so not sure if a second grab can be done using a large hydraulic piston.

And my final fumble will be slap a HEC controller on the first stage and transfer some fuel and let it fly itself to my space station. But I forgot to pack solar panels so it may need to be towed later.

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