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Normalize camera control to a sensible degree across VAB/SPH Editors and Flight and Map Scenes

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This is not to suggest that camera control should be identical across all of these, but to the degree they have an overlap an effort could be made to make them consistent.  Obviously  the flight modes like 'chase', and all the other flight mode 'v' key modes), make little sense in the editors.  Maybe  the 'lock' mode combined with aiming at a part might sense in the editors?  Anyway, this is just to open the questions, not to answer all aspects

Things that come to mind:

An "aim camera" could be added to the part PAW in the editors, along with a parallel keypress-left-mouse-click combo,  that could completely replace the awkward translating in the editors that isn't even consistent across the editors.

The Easy Vessel Switch mod (iirc) has a hotkey+left-mouseclick that sets the part under the pointer as the camera aimpoint that is so helpful.  Something like this could be really useful in KSP over the existing r-click->PAW->"aim camera" method.  In the editors, a feature like this seems a no brainer.  Take this to the Map Scene as a way to set focus to a planet or moon when warping in orbit to make the view a bit more sane, for example, over the normal left-click->"set focus" method (gawd ferbid you accidentally click on the other option in some cases, like 'warp to').  But having this "aim camera" option in the editors would be incredibly useful while editing.

In the editors, a hotkey to zoom in to a part, perhaps the previously selected "aim part", like a cargo bay, such that it fills the half the view, is another thing that comes to mind.  Of course normal zoom controls could be used after to adjust as normal from that point.



Edited by darthgently
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