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NASA planning Lagrangian Point outpost on far side of the moon


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Price tag of billions of dollars? Come on. This is SPACE people! There's nothing more exciting than reaching beyond our planet and seeing what's out there...except for maybe reaching deep into the depths of the oceans, which is in some ways even harder. O.o (Also, it always struck me as a little odd how much we money we are willing to, as a species, spend on killing each other vs. how much we spend on the advancement of science for mutual benefit...actually, it's rather depressing.)

New news to me. Thanks for posting it.

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Not news to me. Tyler Nison said to me that we are going back in 2019 to make a base there but not in full detail yet. Otherwise im set for training for Mars, Im new in Nasa, and i like KSP alot! but i just dont have time anymore. I just might be the first man on Mars? Over 300,000,000 million miles away im certainly qualified to take the trip to Mars. Now it just comes down to picking who will go there. Only 4 of us will go and it a 3 year mission. Takes 8 and a half to get there. We stay there for 6 months on Mars, and then we come back. A total of almost 3 years! This moon thing got me surprised and excited. But in about 9-15 years or maybe less? we haven't really discussed the Launch date of the Ares Missions to mars but somewhere in the time when im about 29- 31? Im ok with taking the trip. Some aren't. NASA corporations are working hard on the Moon mission. But they are also working harder on the mission i might be going on? Selections of 20 astronauts training including me. And only 4 will go. Im doing good tho. If i get picked to go on the Ares Mission to Mars. I will post a thread. Give you updates when the mission might be coming? Not sure yet. Tyler doesn't really tell us much, hats what gets me mad that we dont always now everything. So this moon mission sounds cool? but im not training for the moon. Cant wait to see who goes on it :P Im going to be surprised if Mark is even the co-leader of the mission. You guys probably dont know mark but he is training on Communications work for the moon and orbital flights around Earth and Moon. Hes been up once in the Space Station too. Well cya :)

Edited by cocomoe1002
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Oh hell yes. I've been thinking this is just the sort of thing they should do with the ISS. push it out to a higher orbit. (I imagine the intention will be Russia detaches components for their LEO station, USA uses their parts for Lagrange point station) The rough ideas of what to do, including this, have been on paper for a while.

A good read is "The Global Exploration Roadmap" which misleadingly, is actually about a route to man on mars with international partnerships.

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  cocomoe1002 said:
Not news to me. Tyler Nison said to me that we are going back in 2019 to make a base there but not in full detail yet. Otherwise im set for training for Mars, Im new in Nasa, and i like KSP alot! but i just dont have time anymore. I just might be the first man on Mars? Over 300,000,000 million miles away im certainly qualified to take the trip to Mars. Now it just comes down to picking who will go there. Only 4 of us will go and it a 3 year mission. Takes 8 and a half to get there. We stay there for 6 months on Mars, and then we come back. A total of almost 3 years! This moon thing got me surprised and excited. But in about 9-15 years or maybe less? we haven't really discussed the Launch date of the Ares Missions to mars but somewhere in the time when im about 29- 31? Im ok with taking the trip. Some aren't. NASA corporations are working hard on the Moon mission. But they are also working harder on the mission i might be going on? Selections of 20 astronauts training including me. And only 4 will go. Im doing good tho. If i get picked to go on the Ares Mission to Mars. I will post a thread. Give you updates when the mission might be coming? Not sure yet. Tyler doesn't really tell us much, hats what gets me mad that we dont always now everything. So this moon mission sounds cool? but im not training for the moon. Cant wait to see who goes on it :P Im going to be surprised if Mark is even the co-leader of the mission. You guys probably dont know mark but he is training on Communications work for the moon and orbital flights around Earth and Moon. Hes been up once in the Space Station too. Well cya :)

You seem to be one hell of a mythomaniac, don't you?... :rolleyes: Or was it to be understood that it was a joke?

Anyway, back on topic: it IS awesome, but it isn't new to me: if you want to get great insights in the US space program plans, be sure to check out NasaSpaceFlight on a regular basis: they know a lot of people at NASA and have access to a lot of docs and infos the other media haven't! It's there that I get all the updates about the CRS and CCDev programs, and the SLS launcher and Orion spacecraft. The Orbital Outpost on the Lagrangian point on the far side of the Moon has been the subject of at least 3 or 4 articles in the last few months :)

EDIT: maybe this topic should go in "Off-Topic"...

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Wrong section, should have been posted in Offtopic. Hopefully a mod moves it soon...

Either way though, this is good news and something which really needs to happen. Its just a matter of whether these kinds of plans will go into action, and thats a whole other story. With NASA's current budget becoming less and less each year my hopes of these kinds of things diminish. At the current rate it might be a decade before we see the first major steps of such a project - it took NASA 8 years of 'saving' and development to put the 2.6 billion curiosity rover on Mars.

And in terms of space, or any major project budget that is - a few billion really isnt that much.

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This is exciting news!

Talking about money for scientific discovery I've recently found out that my home country England is not willingly to spend any money having independent access to space which is depressing because they would rather keep their pay check >_> but a company in England is making a efficient engine for a single stage orbit though.

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  cocomoe1002 said:
Not news to me. Tyler Nison said to me that we are going back in 2019 to make a base there but not in full detail yet. Otherwise im set for training for Mars, Im new in Nasa, and i like KSP alot! but i just dont have time anymore. I just might be the first man on Mars? Over 300,000,000 million miles away im certainly qualified to take the trip to Mars. Now it just comes down to picking who will go there. Only 4 of us will go and it a 3 year mission. Takes 8 and a half to get there. We stay there for 6 months on Mars, and then we come back. A total of almost 3 years! This moon thing got me surprised and excited. But in about 9-15 years or maybe less? we haven't really discussed the Launch date of the Ares Missions to mars but somewhere in the time when im about 29- 31? Im ok with taking the trip. Some aren't. NASA corporations are working hard on the Moon mission. But they are also working harder on the mission i might be going on? Selections of 20 astronauts training including me. And only 4 will go. Im doing good tho. If i get picked to go on the Ares Mission to Mars. I will post a thread. Give you updates when the mission might be coming? Not sure yet. Tyler doesn't really tell us much, hats what gets me mad that we dont always now everything. So this moon mission sounds cool? but im not training for the moon. Cant wait to see who goes on it :P Im going to be surprised if Mark is even the co-leader of the mission. You guys probably dont know mark but he is training on Communications work for the moon and orbital flights around Earth and Moon. Hes been up once in the Space Station too. Well cya :)

Can you please elaborate? Are you saying that NASA is currently training astronauts to go to Mars?

Anyway, I second Phoenix's sentiment. I can't stand when people talk about space exploration as though it's "pointless" and such.

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  Enture said:
His profile actually says he's a 13-year-old. So yeah... :rolleyes:

He also seems to have a considerably sub-standard grasp of English. Even if it was his second, third, fourth language you would expect him to be able to use it well if he's an astronaut at NASA.

Also, he mentioned being 29-31 when his supposed mars mission happens... NASA tends to go for older people to be astronauts. The youngest ever was 32... the oldest ever was in his 70s!


I heard that the James Webb Space Telescope was going to be in orbit way out beyond the moon (1,000,000 miles?)... could that be in that langrangian point?

Edited by LukeTim
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If I'm not mistaken, isn't the James Webb Space Telescope being placed in that LaGrange point?


  LukeTim said:

I heard that the James Webb Space Telescope was going to be in orbit way out beyond the moon (1,000,000 miles?)... could that be in that langrangian point?

Hah, this is what I get for posting before reading.

I read the same thing on NASA.gov I believe. I'm not 100% certain

Double Edit:



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  Ydoow said:

That looks like it will orbit around the L2, not actually be on it. Of course, that's liable to require quite a few more course corrections, but the telescope will almost undoubtedly be less massive than a space station for humans, so it would make eminent sense to put the most massive object right on the L2, so that you spend the least amount of propellant on course corrections over all the missions combined. (And...hey, if we had a space station out there, they could service those telescopes with ease if they ever needed some more fuel.)

  Aescwulf said:
This is exciting news!

Talking about money for scientific discovery I've recently found out that my home country England is not willingly to spend any money having independent access to space which is depressing because they would rather keep their pay check >_> but a company in England is making a efficient engine for a single stage orbit though.

I dunno. The UK has the ESA to work with. It might make more sense purely from a budget point-of-view to keep with the ESA and just leave it at that, since you're probably getting the same benefits for less money. (I say probably because honestly I don't know any of the specifics, so tell me to shove a boot in my mouth if I'm totally wrong. :P )

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