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Evenera Challenge.

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We don't know much about Eve. Let's change that. Evenera will require 3 relays in Eve orbit (must be able to get a greater than 50% connection to Kerbin 40 days after a transfer window) a lander, (must land on Eve) a rover, (Also must land on Eve),  and a Gilly probe (Must land on Gilly). The rules are: no mods that affect gameplay and/or add parts, no Kraken drives, the cheat menu can't be used, 100% re entry heat, and normal Commnet settings. Entries will be judged by how many launches were used, how long it took (in game) to complete the requirements, how many parts the craft(s) were, and also bonus points if this is done crewed.  When entries will be due is TBD.

Edited by Kerb24
I forgot to say when the entries will be do.
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