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Sloh-Kly-Mah - Hump Back Heavy Freighter - 2km/s dV at LKO with 45T Cargo - IRSU Ready


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This is my first new craft in a long time...  It is based on a prototype craft that I made many years ago and then forgot about. 

Named because it is one of the slowest rides into orbit ever,  and quirky to fly it can deliver 45T of cargo into LKO with over 2km/s deltaV remaining.

It is fully capable of refueling itself on the surface of a moon and is designed to land back on Kerbin with low to zero fuel remaining.  When landing, remember to keep a steep descent angle of around 45 degrees and do not pull out until 3km to prevent the risk of a stall.  It is currently equipped with an (unverified) Eve landing-return system.
EDIT - The payload only lands on Eve, it does not return to LEO. Gene suggested to try it on Laythe or Duna instead. 


Get the craft here: https://kerbalx.com/Andetch/AdX-Shuttle-Type-XLR-Sloh-kly-mah


Edited by Andetch
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