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Extreme FPS drops in Map View/Tracking Station, Low Ship Count

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As the title says, I'm suddenly having extreme FPS drops when I open the map view or enter the tracking station, regardless of current flight state. I get a stable ~40 FPS when viewing my ship, but the moment I press M it drops to an average of 3.7. Framerate snaps right back to ~40 upon closing the map. Oddly enough, CPU and GPU usage actually drops when opening the map- from 33% CPU and 60-100% GPU in flight view down to ~16% CPU and less than 10% GPU in map mode.

This is a fairly early career so the number of vessels and debris in orbit is relatively low, 20 vessels and 8 debris, and I've only got two ships in a different SOI- one around Mun and another on its way to Eve.

I have a suite of visual mods installed including Scatterer and EVE, and heavy-math mods including FAR and Trajectories (I know that one is usually to blame for things like this, but removing it has no effect), but I've used them all for a long time and never had this issue before. The only new additions are Deadly Reentry and AVP, but with AVP performing fine in flight mode I don't think it's the cause of my map issues and I don't see why Deadly Reentry would have an affect.

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Logs? If the game is continuously throwing exceptions then that would make it run really slowly, and would also be very conspicuous in the log files.

If you recently added AVP, did you remove the default EVE configs (BoulderCo) or whatever you were using before? Having several conflicting configs might make a difference on a sufficiently large scale of a planet, without showing up much/at all in flight because you only see a small part of the planet at once.

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I'm not experienced with Google Drive but here's the log if I've shared it correctly. If I'm reading this correctly, I'm getting exceptions from Contracts Plus? Or is it specific to the WBIContractScenario, which would be Wild Blue?

I did remove all other EVE configs, and I should note that this FPS drop didn't start the moment I installed AVP- map view worked well for a while. One thing that did change before the slowdown happened is I picked up a few contracts, so it seems the exception is related.

Edited by WindupHero7
Edited link, uploaded wrong log file
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  • 2 weeks later...

@WindupHero7 you did get some exceptions from WBIContractScenario. Twenty-two. Those were happening when it was processing destroyed vessels. That's not likely to be the cause of your problems.

The bulk of the exceptions were from kOS; 2584 ArgumentOutOfRangeException and were continuously spamming the log for a period of time. That right there is likely why performance dropped and yes, CPU usage may well have dropped as writing the log was taking priority over execution of game code.

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Oops, I didn't go back far enough to see those ones. That's odd though, I've had kOS installed for a long long time and never had problems with it, and honestly haven't even used any kOS scripting yet in this save.

Since the problem seems to be local to the map view, is there something unique that kOS does only when the map is open? 

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