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suggestion..: Insurance of spacecraft.

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As the title say i would like to suggest that we can insure our spacecraft or station in the case it get destroyed.

Example lets imagine that in a multiplayer game i have a refuel station in orbit om the moon and another player have an accident wich seriously damage or even destroy the orbital spation. ( or on purpose destroy it )
Then it would be nice if there was a server side insurance system that detect damage from an external source and then help the player get a refund.. Lets face it rockets and fuel is expensive and sometimes allot of money and time is invested in example a space station.
( and ofcourse the possibility that players can transfer money to each other so we can buy example fuel from each others supply depots. Personaly i would find it interesting to offer a refuel service in space for x money ).

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An interesting idea.  But if it involves adding adding traits like Lawyer and Insurance Adjuster to the game I think it is a bad idea.  I'm also against having Political Officers or Political Commissars aboard ship in the dismal case that the PRC game makers buy up the KSP2 project.  That is what airlocks are for

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