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Part size categories: please add more large parts.

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So, we have seen some looks into the size tiers available in KSP 2. They are listed as “small”, “medium”, “large” “x-large”, “2x-large”, and “3x-large” for engines. These seem to correspond to 0.625m, 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m, 5m, 7.5m, and 10m (?) with mk 2 in the large class and mk 3 presumably in the x-large class. I would like to see a new body type for spaceplanes in the 2x-large class, capable of fitting an x-large part in it. Maybe take inspiration from the mk-4 spaceplanes mod. 

Additionally, I would like to see big non-fuel tank or engine parts. A 7 meter radius lab may seem extreme, but it would look cool and it would be an accomplishment to conduct a mission that necessitated that. A command center that houses twenty kerbals or a 5m passenger module that has the capacity of an airplane would be a great way to see the progress made in the game, by being able to process science very quickly and transport many people simultaneously. I would like to see both an inline and a conical pod for each size tier available, and an in-line and front mounted pod for each of the spaceplane tiers. I understand if this is not in the scope of the game at release, it can simply be modded in, but if it was in stock, that would be amazing. 

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The devs have already confirmed that there will be much larger parts. from what we know, it’s safe to say that extra-large parts are likely going to be 7.5 meters, meaning that the parts beyond that will be extremely large, it says 2x-large or 3x-large, we can assume that large is 5 meters, we could get 10-15 meter parts.

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If you look up these mods, coyote transport, USI FFT, DESV, NF far future. The mods listed would be considered the medium to large for the scale of the parts in KSP2. (If you look at the giant colony ship used in all the early promotional materials, a lot of the parts used seem to be from the first iterations of the USI FFT mod.)

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I was hoping for parts like those, yes. But in particular, I was advocating for larger variants of parts that are not engines or fuel tanks or stuff like that. It may be ridiculous to have a mk10 nose mounted parachute but I would rather have it than not. 

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Stuff like antennas, or heat shields, or ISRUs or landing legs that are not currently present in FFT. I don’t imagine many people will want to design a 7.5m lander but if they did, I would appreciate if all the often overlooked part types have those size classes. FFT does a great job of upgrading fuel tanks, structural pieces, engines, and other things to large sizes, and Nertea’s other mods do that for a lot of other stuff (station parts is a good one for expanding size classes of various pieces) but I just wanted to draw the devs attention to other part types. And this would go beyond what tweakscale does, as I would expect labs to hold more data, lights to shine more, and antenna to transmit faster and farther in higher size tiers. This is probably already mostly in the game, but I’m putting it here in case the devs might have overlooked small details. 

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