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ExtraPlanetal's Aerospace Travel Company

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Welcome to ExtraPlanetal's Aerospace Travel Company!

Building badass things since 2012!


We here at EAT pride ourselves in building rockets and planes designed to simply work and get you from point A to B with the least amount of pilot effort/skill/intelligence required. Our spacecraft are custom built for anyone who just wants to get somewhere with the least amount of hassle.

Since the LOI Mk III we have also begun to include user manuals with all of our designs - meaning we figured out how to fly them so you don't have to!

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This craft is designed out of only stock parts to get you to any of the other planets we suddenly share space with in laziest way possible - just go up!

With it there will be no more unnecessarily complicated ascent adjustments, just let it go up and it will reach interplanetary space in no time! Once there it's long range interplanetary stage can take you wherever you want! Want to go to Jool? No prob! How about Eve? Also no prob!



The LOI Mk III is a craft designed to reliably get you to Mun and back, so reliably in fact, one test pilot actually reached Minimus with it! It is also the first of our releases to include an user manual.


More craft coming soon!

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We here at EAT have had greater than average idea - to share our special, once off, R&D projects for Challenges (the ones in the Challenges forum thread).

Currently we are busy with:

The TEL challenge (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/22877-Transporter-Erector-Launcher-%28TEL%29-Challenge)

The goal of this challenge is to design a TEL vehicle, a mobile launchpad. We have actually had a quite successful venture here and are planning to release the prototype later today.

The 0.17 stock land speed record (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/23643-0-17-Stock-Land-Speed-Challenge)

As of 2012-10-16 the LSR Mk8, designed by us here at EAT, holds the land speed record in KSP 0.17

The EAT LSR Mk8 can be downloaded from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/84620460/LSR%20Mk8.craft

Edited by ExtraPlanetal
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Strangely enough it is actually quite stable. The first time I launched it I fully expected it to wobble itself apart during ascent, but 8 flawless launches later it performed flawlessly! I would just like to suggest NOT using timewarp at all with it as that falls outside it's testing parameters.

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