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Toppling vertical launch

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Hi all I realise I have been starting topics alot recently but I need help on some issues... I've built a stable shuttle( glide tests and things have been successfull) but I have been trying to overcome the toppling of it from vertical launch. I've mounted it atop the launch vehicle rather than beside as it stops the inbalance caused by that method. Yet when I turn asks off to rotate for orbit it just flys out of control. I thought it was the lift caused by the wings but its not and the com seems central... And help would be brilliant

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A couple of solutions for the out of control spin. First is make your turn higher in the atmosphere, thinner air, less drag to spin it out. Second is try adding SAS to help maintain stability. Taller rockets tend to spin out easier as the weight off balances. Be sure you are using gymbaled engines. Lastly, make small course adjustments. just go a few degrees at a time and make them slow. Using the F key to toggle override ASAS makes this a bit easier since ASAS is only toggles while the button is held (if ASAS is on and fkey is held, ASAS turns off and the versa) This is how I do it:

Press and hold F

Just tab the W/A/S/D key for whichever direction you want to pitch to Never hold it down because the thrust and steering power of launch stages will just kick it fast and the moment of rotation is just too much to cancel out fast.

Let it drift over slightly and release F key.

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