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Working MFD and gauges in IVA

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SimpleRocket2/SimplePlane style in-game IVA panel/cockpit editing and working in-cockpit system gauges and displays will greatly increase immersive gameplay. 

What will be basically needed:

baro height, radar height. Current orbit height will certainly help.

ADI that is in much larger scale than current navball (takeoffs and landings of atmosphere based aircrafts are operated within 3 degrees, which shows less than a pixel on navball), HSI(compass) that at least have a crosshair/cue on it (the KSP1 stock compass does not have a cue on it saying which bearing I am currently facing.), homing device pointing to current target/waypoint(if waypoint is half a planet away, the waypoint mark will be displayed at the bottom of navball outside of rendering, making it hard to orient)

TAS/IAS/orbit speed indicator. Speed vectors outside of navball scope should be rendered as arrows around the edge of navball. Larger VSI/digital display VSI is important as well.

At the end of this journey, the ultimate goal is to introduce stock HUD/HMD/MFD and drag them around in cockpit freely. In KSP1 mod authors do it well.

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