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VAB can't save to Stock - DirectoryNotFoundException

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Hi there

KSP Version: v1.12.3.3173 Windows player x64, 1.12.1 Making history, 1.7.1  Breaking ground, Win11 x64

What happens: The save button does not work

Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Create or load any vessel in the VAB
  2. Open the drop down below the save button
  3. Select different savegame
  4. Select Stock on the opened list
  5. Click save

Result: Nothing happens

Fixes/Workarounds: None known (except copy the craft file manually on your harddrive)

Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files:

[EXC 21:41:09.814] DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "<...>\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves\Stock\Ships\VAB\<...>.craft".
	System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.Boolean anonymous, System.IO.FileOptions options) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
	System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
	(wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream..ctor(string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare)
	System.IO.File.Open (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
	ConfigNode.Save (System.String fileFullName, System.String header) (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
	ConfigNode.Save (System.String fileFullName) (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
	ShipConstruction.SaveShipToPath (System.String gameFolder, EditorFacility editorFacility, System.String localPath, System.String shipName) (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
	KSP.UI.Screens.DirectoryController.<InitForCraftSave>b__63_1 () (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
	UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0)
	UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0)
	UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () (at <5336a8686ff14f17888ce9a9f44f29bc>:0)
	UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) (at <5336a8686ff14f17888ce9a9f44f29bc>:0)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) (at <5336a8686ff14f17888ce9a9f44f29bc>:0)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) (at <5336a8686ff14f17888ce9a9f44f29bc>:0)

The path of the "Stock" location seems wrong.

The log says "<...>\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves\Stock\Ships\VAB\", but it actually would be "<...>\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Ships\VAB\", wouldn't it?

Sounds like easy to fix to me - where would be the correct place to address this?

Kind regards,


Edited by Michel_0
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  On 1/31/2022 at 6:32 PM, jimmymcgoochie said:

Post the full log files please?


I think the exception is pretty clear and the situation easy to reproduce...

However here you go, deleted the log, started KSP, created new game "test", swiched to VAB, added a sattelite part, clicked Save -> different Game -> Stock (3 times), you'll see 3 exceptions below.

  Reveal hidden contents


  On 1/30/2022 at 8:55 PM, Michel_0 said:

Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock


As you will see i've got the mod DarkMultiPlayer installed, i did not list it, because i'm sure it's not relevant to the situation and it also happens in a local game, no DMP session.

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@Michel_0 don't copy and paste the logs into a forum page, it's a pain to scroll through on a PC and almost impossible on a mobile device (I regularly use the forums on my iPad mini and can't possibly scroll through an entire log on there). Upload the file to a file sharing site of some sort (Google Drive, Dropbox...) and post a link to the file here.

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  On 1/31/2022 at 11:22 PM, jimmymcgoochie said:

don't copy and paste the logs into a forum page


Yeah... well... i that's why i put it inside of a spoiler.
I tried to upload the file here, but this thread doesn't seem to support file uploads.
Simply don't open the spoiler and you're fine.
And if you open it - you'll need to scroll through it just as you would need to as if i upload it somewhere else, so i don't see any difference.


  On 1/30/2022 at 8:55 PM, Michel_0 said:

where would be the correct place to address this?


Back on topic, is this the right place or do i need to report at support@kerbalspaceprogram.com as described here?

Is there any chance this gets fixed at all or are all devs busy with KSP2 and don't care about KSP any more?

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  On 2/1/2022 at 4:45 PM, Michel_0 said:

Yeah... well... i that's why i put it inside of a spoiler.
I tried to upload the file here, but this thread doesn't seem to support file uploads.
Simply don't open the spoiler and you're fine.
And if you open it - you'll need to scroll through it just as you would need to as if i upload it somewhere else, so i don't see any difference.


Actually. browsers download the contents within the spoiler regardless if it's opened or not.

Which makes several (mainly mobile) devices quite sad.

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