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The Two-Subcategories Challenge! (but you can go up to three)

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The goal of this challenge is to reach a goal you set only with 2 o 3 subcategories, i.e: (pods, engines), (size 0, size 1, radial attachment only)...

The subcategories can be any subcategory of a category of the advanced mode in the VAB/SPH. Here's the non-exhaustive list:

Advanced mode
 ┣╸Filter by Function (default)
 ┃  ┣╸Pods
 ┃  ┣╸Fuel Tanks
 ┃  ┣╸Engines
 ┃  ┣╸Command and Control
 ┃  ┣╸Structural
 ┃  ┣╸Coupling
 ┃  ┣╸Playload
 ┃  ┣╸Aerodynamics
 ┃  ┣╸Ground
 ┃  ┣╸Thermal
 ┃  ┣╸Electrical
 ┃  ┣╸Communication
 ┃  ┣╸Cargo
 ┃  ┣╸Science
 ┃  ┗╸Utility
 ┣╸Filter by Cross-Section
 ┃  ┣╸Mk2
 ┃  ┣╸Mk3
 ┃  ┣╸Size 0
 ┃  ┣╸Size 1
 ┃  ┣╸Size 1.5
 ┃  ┣╸Size 2
 ┃  ┣╸Size 3
 ┃  ┣╸Size 4
 ┃  ┗╸Surface Attachment Only
 ┣╸Filter by Module
 ┃  ┗╸Too many modules (specify the one(s) you use, they count in the limit!)
 ┣╸Filter by Resource
 ┃  ┣╸Ablator
 ┃  ┣╸Electric Charge
 ┃  ┣╸EVA Propellant
 ┃  ┣╸Liquid Fuel
 ┃  ┣╸Monopropellant
 ┃  ┣╸Ore
 ┃  ┣╸Oxidizer
 ┃  ┗╸Solid Fuel
 ┣╸Filter by Manufacturer
 ┃  ┗╸Too many manufacturers (specify the one(s) you use, they count in the limit!)
 ┗╸Filter by Tech Level
    ┣╸Tech Level 9
    ┣╸Tech Level 8
    ┣╸Tech Level 7
    ┣╸Tech Level 6
    ┣╸Tech Level 5
    ┣╸Tech Level 4
    ┣╸Tech Level 3
    ┣╸Tech Level 2
    ┗╸Tech Level 1

So, you can chose any two or three subcategories inside. Think of the way to get the more diversified parts!

Of course respect the Forum Rules, and have fun!

P.S: no kraken drives, no glitch-exploiting, etc. Also no mods that add 10+ parts.

Edited by Nazalassa
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