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Kerbal backstories!


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In this game, you create your own backstory on kerbalkind all the way up to the day the KSC was built. I'll start. Long ago, the solar system now known as Kerbol was complete. It had everything someone could want. The sun god, Kerbol, the moon god, Mun, the uncle god, Minmus, and the annoying aunt god, The Kraken, all decided that there should be life in that seemingly perfect system. Since Kerbol was always so bright and cheery, everyone decided to name the new species after her. They called them, the kerbals. A new kerbal was born every time a star died in the universe. The star's spirit and name would belong to its new body, a kerbal. The many gods frolicked in the cosmos as they watched the kerbals break new boundaries, and even touch the gods themselves, by landing on them. The kerbals, however, still had many more galaxies to explore...

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  • 1 month later...

Jebadiah Kerman 

the beginning of Jebs story begins with tragedy, as his mother died when he was 2 due to kerbalpox, he did not have anything else to do and he was bullied in school for his personality. So he dove deep into his studies. Having mastered college level sciences by age 7. Through his studies and his obsession with Human Space Program he started developing a talent for flight. He became famous when he was just 11 when he was on of private flight from Kiami to Kuba for vacation. Jeb was in the cabin talking to the pilots about flight and they were astounded by how much he knew. The plane lost pressure very high up and both pilots were knocked out. Jeb managed to reach the oxygen mask just in time. He repressured the plane and flew around dangerous terrain before landing vertically. He was broadcasted all over kerbin and gained the attention of the Kerbal Air Force . When jeb was 18 he joined the  KAF. He became known as the best pilot they had. By the end of that year he had 80 confirmed air to air victories. At the same time jeb was recruited another kerbal named Valentina Kerman joined the KAF. The 2 created a relationship as they were the best pilots in the force and they were very similar. Jeb and Val were married 2 years later. Around that same time a Kerbal named Gene was putting together a space program and needed pilots. Jeb and Val were recruited immediately. The twins Bill and Bob, some of jebs oldest friends from school, were chosen to be engineer and scientist. Jeb flew many missions, and finally, at long last, he was selected to be the first kerbal to go to the Mun

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  • 3 weeks later...

Linus Kerman:

Linus was a quiet child who lived in Kermany. He had been separated from his two brothers, Lemburry and Thompberry (Yes, the one from Emiko Station) but a kind man named Wernher Von Kerman found him on the streets of Kologne, Kermany. Wernher raised Linus with deep affection and started to notice how intelligent he was. Around the time Linus was 8, the 3rd Keich had gained power and the Kazi's started invading other countries. The Kazi's evicted Wernher and Linus and forced them to work for them. While developing planes for the Kazi's, they secretly made plans for something they called a rocket. At the end of the war, they heard that the Kazi's, led by Kitler, had trapped the Allies. They quickly built their prototype, the K2, and launched it at the Kazi army. They both became famous after that, allowing his brothers and cousin, Valentina, to find them. Valentina informed them of a new project called the KSP. All of the friends then were accepted in the KSP. Within 2 months, Linus and Wernher became well-known and Wernher was appointed Chief Engineer and the engineer representative for staff meetings, while Linus became the Chief scientist and experimental engineer. He also represented the R&D department in staff meetings. Much later, during the War Against Thompberry Kerman, Linus agreed to adopt Thompberry's consciousness. This led to both living in one body, with them both being able to switch willingly. The person in control of the body's movement, vision, and hearing were all accesible to the person who was not in control, allowing them to communicate to the one in control. Linus continued to develop new tech for the KSC, when eventually it was time to set sights on further distances. As the old KSC was turned into a musuem, they prepared to move to a new location: Kape Kanaveral, and set their sights on other stars.

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  • 2 years later...

Bill was an aircraft mechanic during the War.  He served as chief mechanic for Jeb's fighter and a couple of others.

Jeb, a rich daring fighter pilot, was shot down near the end of the War flying a scouting mission near dusk.  He bailed out wounded near the rocket factory of Von Braun.  Val an aide to Von Braun discovered him badly wounded.  She saved his life, treated his wounds, and captured him.  A massive attack was planned against Von Braun's rocket complex.  Jeb tried to talk Val against keeping him near the factory.  She grew suspicious, after he insisted they needed to get out of there.  She warned Von Braun and he arranged a trip for most of his staff the next day.  Val and Von Braun brought Jeb with them instead of leaving him or turning him over to the MPs.  The bombs came but most of Von Braun's team and a fair amount of his work was saved though the factory was destroyed.

The alliance was clearly winning the War quickly.  Jeb later was able to arrange protection for Von Braun's group from his friend Bob in miliary intelligence.  Von Braun's group was able to surrender unharmed with most of their work.

Jeb was rescued and War ended soon afterward.  

Jeb opened a sight seeing tourist air service on a tourist island.  Bill ran a large aircraft shop near the Airport on the island.  

After the War, Bob was working in a research group with Gene Kerman.  They had their successes and failures with unmanned rockets and craft, but mostly failures.  Bob recruited Von Braun to assist under the table, as he couldn't bring Von Braun on to the team publicly.  They realized they needed better parts.  

A secret operation was setup to build them.  Bill was brought into create the parts from Von Braun's designs, and run the high tech research factory, nicknamed the "Junk Yard".  That is when Bob talked a rich friend, Jeb, to open up a "Junk Yard" as cover.  Jeb bought up some old junk for show, and Bill some War surplus aircraft and parts.  But at the heart of the Junk Yard was its high tech research factory with the latest manufacturing equipment.

Eventually a successful Mk1 capsule built and Bob was tasked with selecting a test pilot.  Jeb had been giving private flight lessons to Val at the time.  Val had passed her pilot license and was starting to give tours as Jeb's tourist business expanded.  They were both invited to fly "just a test fight or two".

From there, the rest is history.


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Bob was on a military scholarship at the University studying Physics with a foreign language Minor when the War broke out.  At graduation he was assigned to military intelligence as an analyst on foreign scientific developments and capabilities.  He became one of the best in the group.  

In the middle of the War he was on a trip to a rear area command post to give a briefing and the plane he was riding made a crash landing.  He was badly injured and it took him 6 months to recover.  He has never liked air travel since then.  He resumed his duties as the military intelligence science group administrator for the rest of the War.  

Afterward the War, Gene Kerman recruited him as the science and engineering team lead for the new Aeronautic research group.  This group would later form the core of the new civilian Kerbal Space Program.

It was Bob who persuaded Jeb to open up a "Junk Yard" business.  The Aeronautic group used "Jeb's" as a cover to buy up war surplus parts and running a high tech manufacturing lab for making custom rocket parts.


Edited by histalonia
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