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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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In the final days of Kerbin's 0.20 Defiance Aerospace program, an ambitious attempt to build a revolutionary space station to provide needs for every interplanetary-bound craft. Something to leave behind for those in 0.21 and beyond. Enter Ascension Station.


This has got to be one of the coolest stations I've seen yet. Reminds a lot of some of the concept art for X Rebirth, or maybe the last Homeworld game. Would you mind listing the mods you used? I recognise some (Spherical Tanks, Kosmos, B9 Aerospace, Large Structural/Station Components, Spacetech's escape pods) but I think I need those structural elements orbiting my own version of Kerbin :P What mods are the fuel storage, habitation module and electricity storage module made with in particular?

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This has got to be one of the coolest stations I've seen yet. Reminds a lot of some of the concept art for X Rebirth, or maybe the last Homeworld game. Would you mind listing the mods you used? I recognise some (Spherical Tanks, Kosmos, B9 Aerospace, Large Structural/Station Components, Spacetech's escape pods) but I think I need those structural elements orbiting my own version of Kerbin :P What mods are the fuel storage, habitation module and electricity storage module made with in particular?

The control core was made with the fancy big batteries from the Ion Hybrid Engine pack: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-ion-engine-pack/

And the fuel storage and habitation module was made with bits from the JARFR Tri-Hexagonal Struts pack: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-19-1-jarfr-tri-hexagonal-structural-strut/

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Maybe not the world's largest or most impressive station... the KSS4.


The lower half (on the right) is a modified from a tug I was experimenting with when I developed KSS1. The original idea was to make the station modular, but it's proven easier just to deorbit old versions and boost new ones as required. (Someday I'll get around to providing power and stabilization on the station itself, then I can go modular.)

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I built a space dock / garage. Houses 8 kerbals, uses the RTG mod, Home, JARFR, SciTek (WIP), KW Rocketry, KAS. I think that is it, might have missed one. (Yup B9 Aerospace) SciTek Industries mod is a WIP I'm working on. Tanks, fusion engines, Plasma RCS thrusters, Large fusion reactors.



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Having a little bit of fun with Nova's Wet Workshops mod and put a mini space station in orbit around the Mun. Far, far simpler than Ascension Station, but building small once in a while is fun, and it's cool seeing the panels and antennae fold out from a tiny cylinder. This thing has enough space for 10 Kerbals.



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My space docks. These will be mainly used for docking the large modules I'll be using to create a Munar Kethane mining base. I have been avoiding starting construction given .21 will be a save breaker (So I'll have to hyperedit this thing back, though hyperedit has been destroying my stuff lately).

EDIT/MORE INFO: The center ones have so much clearance because one will house an adapter for up to 5 ships (with standard non-jumbo docking ports), mainly tugs, and the other will hold the megatug that will tow all the modules in a line out to the Mun (and maybe minmus later on). The planned tugs are 2 interplanetary (for dragging additional modules if I need something after departure) and 2 heavy (for moving around multiple modules at once).

Edited by Captain Sierra
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My first space wheel, which means my second space station attempt. My first is here but no one liked it http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/40820-SSTO-Space-Station-Fuel-Depot-%28!%29-Quite-a-big-one-too-featuring-0-Jets

Anyway, The Somewhat Insane Space Wheel

All stock.

Single launch.

Makes real space ship noises.

32 Kerbal capable.

Eight senior, eight standard and eight junior docking ports.

Adequate fuel reserves if used as a filling station, about 12 jumbos worth.

Twelve jumbos + 8 NERVAs makes for long range.

100km Kerban orbit capable.

Mun orbit capable.

Mun landing capable.

Mun re-orbit. Fail :( About 100dv short on last attempt, a better launch would easily fix that, or going the correct way around Mun!



All stock so could be better looking.

High part count: 556 after launch but this reduces quickly as bits start dropping off are decoupled to around 400 in orbit. This could be reduced by 40 parts or so without too much trouble.

Even using the eight Skipper engines, this ship will not break any acceleration records when full of fuel.

The trip to orbit can best be described as interesting.


Don't attempt the ascent profile shown in the picture, Turn Start should be around 10km.


To Mun!


This would be a great place to refuel the ship, if only we had remembered to bring the Kethane mod.


It also allowed us to investigate some interesting Kerbal physics.


The mod version may well be based on B9 and this time around we will remember the Kethane processing rig. Maybe some landing legs too.

Craft file:

Mods used

MechJeb, just delete the controller for pure stock.

1 toggles solar panels.

9 toggles NERVAs (? iirc <shrug>)

0 toggles Skipper engines.

http://www.i2net.me.uk/files/Games/KerbalSP/Ships/Stock-SISW/SS SW Mk II d.craft

Edited by ecat
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Freaky wheel ecat. :0.0: I've got some Space Stations myself too. . . but they aren't that custom, just replicas. Hope they'll be eye-candy for you guys too. :D






EDIT: Mods used for the stations were KOSMOS, FusTek Expansion, JARFR Trusses, Ioncross crew support, and RemoteTech.

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Rosmerta I, My first attempt at a space station. (incidentally also my first successful docking attempt) It still has the final stage attached in case I want to change its orbit before I send new sections. Not as impressive as most of the others posted I know :P



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Kerbin Station 1:

I finally got pictures of this up, and it fortunately survived the transition to .21, so it'll be around for a while. (For the full story of its construction, see this post.)





Top to bottom: power masts, observation and docking modules, station core, hab modules (with "Rama X" CRVs), science module.

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My Refill Station in Orbit with a Refill Tank refilling the Refill Station. And the whole bunch of docks are for... I don't know what. Just felt good to put them there.


And my Icarus 2 Space Station...


traveling as usual to the sun


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Docked for the first time in space, it was pretty time consuming but was worth it.


I don't have a picture of it but I relocated the pod to the station core so I have space for something else on the tip.

Also I tried to add a power module with 6 large extendable solar panels and some batteries (the rendezvous was perfect) but I was so stupid because:

I put the RCS tanks in a separate stage, under the module, and the RCS blocks based on the CoM of the power module (didn't had the rcs stage when I did it) and when I tried to maneuver to dock it was hard because linear rcs movements caused rotations, well, lesson taught.

After lots of hard work, I managed to dock with the Space Station but the solar panels were rotated in a weird angle and I decided to revert flight for the good of my sanity.

It is planned to add a fuel module for refueling SSTOs and making it easier to make long-distance ships.

Edited by cesarcurado
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hey, hey, hey! look who learned how to dock manually!!

PS: Only mod used was Crew Manifest. I have made all the pathways using the structural fuselage, so I feel that it is OK to transfer them internally instead of EVA. I feel it is more life-like. Plus Crew Manifest lets me create custom names if I want. But, no MechJeb for rendezvous nor docking. :) A huge win for me. Huge.


Initial Core, 300k by 300k orbit


Main habitat module. Expanded housing considerably. Manually docked, baby. The initial thrust stage still intact in case I needed to maneuver things.


Thar she be. All stages jettisoned and de-orbited. Plenty of space for additional modules.


Room for 14. But currently only staffed by 7. This gives them a little privacy space and a little freedom of movement. Allows for uncramped living quarters. Also means crew rotations should be fairly easy.


The view from the cuppola. Doesn't get much better than this.



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My first 0.21 space station, the "Elysium":


Brought up in nine launches (without refueling/crew transfer trips), this station will serve as a platform for future expeditions into the Kerbol system. Some pictures from the construction process:


Command module in orbit. The fuel tanks might be a bit misplaced, but I really wanted to use the quad-couplers.


"Argonaut" class crew transfer vehicle docked to the station's first set of docking ports.


Main solar panel array on the way to the station, which now also posesses two of it's five main fuel tanks.

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I had a rather large station back in .20, but it got lost in the transition to .21. I'm currently working on rebuilding it.

IKOS - International Kerbal Orbital Station


The two large spaceplanes docked toward the head of the station are emergency escape SSTO's capable of deorbiting to Kerbin and landing at KSC or escaping to my Mun base.

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Added additional habitat / laboratory space. I'll be adding a 3rd wing to balance it on the next launch.

However, I will probably be bringing down the radio satellite dishes. They are a lag monster, the FPS KILLAH!! And as such, they make every other procedure in the vicinity an absolute nightmare. I'll probably de-orbit them for now, and maybe put them back up after I can redesign with fewer parts, or find an alternate solution. Sucks, too, because I'm so madly in love with them. :(

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Added additional habitat / laboratory space. I'll be adding a 3rd wing to balance it on the next launch.

However, I will probably be bringing down the radio satellite dishes. They are a lag monster, the FPS KILLAH!! And as such, they make every other procedure in the vicinity an absolute nightmare. I'll probably de-orbit them for now, and maybe put them back up after I can redesign with fewer parts, or find an alternate solution. Sucks, too, because I'm so madly in love with them. :(

You might be able to get UbioZur to 'weld' them for you so they only count as 1 part

Another option is to make a copy the commDish's part.cfg and give the copy a huge rescaleFactor, or one of the dishes from AIES

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Really love some of the advanced designs in this thread.

Here's some of mine I have only got shots of my first station in 0.21, its fairly simple cause I have built it in the first days after its release so only stock parts are used:




Hope you like it even though its fairly simple.

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