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Sped up orbital decay with Principia?

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I'm playing RSS/RO with Principia installed and for some reason orbits are decaying far faster than they should. For example, I've put a craft into an orbit with a roughly 160km perigee and apogee and within a quarter of an orbit the perigee is down to 150km and the apogee is up at 170km. I think Principia is causing this because the flight path prediction displays the changes.

Edited by theaexperiment
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That sounds more like a phantom force than a problem with Principia. If you use the 'set orbit' cheat and position an identical probe in a similar orbit, does its orbit also change? If you save and reload, does the orbit keep changing?

I'm not sure how much visibility this post will get here, but if you go to the RO/RP-1 discord server there's a dedicated channel for Principia-related problems and you're much more likely to get help there.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, I've figured out why, now I need to know how to fix it. The change in velocity is directly towards Earth, and goes at the exact same rate as the Set Position cheat's "Physics Easing", which should mean that Physics Easing is still ongoing despite having being stopped.

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