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Arg PE and LAN

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I am playing in the Career mode, of KSP. Now I shall install a satellite into an specific Orbit. 

AP and PE no problem so far, easy. found out how to get on the angle.. check

But it also requires to have a Specific Arg PE and LAN and meanwhile I am really frustrated. I might get on the right LAN but have no clue how to set ArgPE right.

Anyone here has some Tipps for me?

Edited by Uedel
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Welcome to the forums!

For satellite contracts in career mode you don’t need to focus on the values of Arg PE and LAN.  When you get your satellite up and match your orbit to the lines of the contract orbit, the contract will complete.

So my first question is can you see the line depicting the contract orbit?  If not, there might be a setting you accidentally de-selected.

If you believe you have closely matched the target orbit, but the contract is still not completing, here are a few things that can trip you up.

  • Your orbit is going the wrong way.  In other words, the contract calls for a retrograde orbit, but you are going prograde.  You can check this by hovering over the AN or DN nodes- they should say zero, or close to zero.  If they say 180, you are going backwards.
  • One of the equipment requirements hasn’t been met.  The contracts often specify certain equipment on the satellite, such as a solar panel.  Check to see if all the contract requirements have been met.  If not, which one still doesn’t have a green check mark next to it?

Again, don’t worry about Arg PE and LON.  Just go fly your satellite up and match the target orbit as close as you can.

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Longitude of Ascending Node is the point at which the orbit crosses the equator heading north.

Argument of Periapsis is how far around the orbit the periapsis is from the LAN; 0 means the periapsis is on the LAN, a value between 0 and 180 means the apoapsis is below the equator and between 180 and 360 means the apoapsis is above the equator.

For contracts, the target orbit line should be visible on the map which makes it easier to aim at it; there’s a bit of wiggle room on the exact numbers too.

Can you screenshot the contract window to show what items on the list are ticked or not? Make sure you’re going in the right direction, have all the required extra components (power, antenna, docking port, science experiments and/or survey scanners depending on the contract’s specifics) and if you meet the parameters then the orbit line on the map should disappear.

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