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Expanding the Horizon: A Kerbalized Apollo Era Alternate History


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May 22, 1973

What Goes Up Must Come Down: Dealing With the International Aspects of ...

A Bumpy Ride...

By 1973, the Sarnus (Saturn) IB launcher was getting very old and while new technologies were created and more advancements were made, the launcher from the early 60s remained in operation. However, only two remained (the Skylab-5 launcher and the Skylab-6 launcher) and the end of the road seemed visible for the Sarnus IB. That doesn't mean it won't fly of course...


Commander: Vance Kerman

CM Pilot:  Don Kerman

Engineer: Owen Kerman


"We come to you live as we prepare for the first voyage to Skylab since 1972..."


The view from the top of the rocket showing the new LC-2a and LC-2b pads

This will be the last flight of a Sarnus IB from LC-1


Engine startup at T-5 Seconds



Liftoff! Skylab-5 is on their way to orbit!


Nominal Ascent...


"KCC, we lost three engines and significant thrust..."

"We need to abort the mission, flight!"


In the matter of seconds, the four abort motors fire, sending the CM away from the failing rocket

Communication is lost during the abort...


The LES is jettisoned, and communication returns with a sigh of relief in KCC

Now for the early return


Drogues deployed successfully


Main Chutes Deployed


Full Billow


Splashdown not far off the coast


This was a shorter mission because of well...the abort. I also wanted a reason to get the IB out of here because I plan on replacing it.

Up Next

There will be a timeskip due to the accident investigation and will skip forward to Skylab-6 in 1975 (yes a big leap but I wanna get this timeline going) anyways stay tuned!

first post on page 2!

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Some of you may be wondering why a lack of posts has been evident since Skylab-5 and this is simply the explanation:


  • I currently am working on a side AH on another site called The Return 
  • School
  • And somewhat of a lack of energy the past few weeks

Please excuse the delays as I'll be uploading Monday.

Edited by AlmondTheAstronaut
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