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KSP 2 demo idea

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For the game Spore there is a free version called "Spore: Creature Creator", Im thinking KSP 2 can have a similar software. You get just the VAB and SPH and you can build crafts, but thats it. I feel like it could be a good way to test out building crafts without paying for the game. In order to fly the crafts you need to get the full release of the game.

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I'd like people to be able to fly their rockets with limited parts around Kerbin, just to check out the flying aspect too. Maybe limit it to generic plane and rover parts, and one or two sizes of rocket parts, in the early-mid tech range. That way, the exciting content such as the cool future tech or the cool celestial bodies are still reserved for the full version but demo players can try out the flight UI and graphics. Also, limiting parts would make things simpler so that players aren't confused by an overabundance of incompatible resource types in the demo. 

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