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KSP2 Carbon monoxide fuel

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Perhaps it is a good addition to KSP2 as it can be extracted in CO2 rich atmospheres, which means it can be extracted on Duna and Eve!

But hey, wait. Why add that, when methane can also be extracted, also being more efficient? 

Simple. Unlike methane, carbon monoxide can be producted with 100% indigenous materials, whereas CO2 can also be converted into oxygen. 

This means it would be a pretty much infinite, easily producted fuel. This would dramatically reduce complexity and cost in a colony.

NASA has published an article describing CO fuel (just search "Carbon monoxide rocket fuel" and you will find it). 

Maybe it's 80% useless fuel. Maybe it's a nice addition to KSP2, and maybe they're already including it- but hey, I'd like that fuel in the game.



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