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Can a model have more than one property?

Animal Mother

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I'm trying to make a retrorocket of sorts; basically a compact rocket that has its own fuel for breaking orbit at a moments notice however I've come to a problem relating to the CFG.

I thought that by having two module types listed in the CFG, it would allow me to apply properties from both i.e.

module = FuelTank, LiquidEngine

However the game gets confused on loadup and doesn't do anything except for flashing loading

Is the game in its current state even possible to do this?

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I believe a workaround is to make a solid rocket rather than liquid and specify the minimum thrust to be 0. This should allow for a throttleable engine fitting your needs.

Nope. Solids don\'t react to the thrust setting. There is no way to do what he wishes to do so far, except somehow make the engine and fueltank pretty much impossible to rip apart.

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