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How do I make my HOTAS throttle be recognised as 'full range' in KSP?

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This is a copy paste from my  post on the subreddit, I'm posting this here because i got 0 answers and downvoted for asking a stupid question (probably in the opinion of a person who thought I was an idiot).

So I bought a HOTAS controller, specifically the Thrustmaster T Flight HOTAS X, not to be confused with Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS X. The throttle on that controller has a notch on the 50% point, meaning the output from the controller is -1 if fully backwards and 1 if fully forwards, meant to be used as an easy reverse. Now, my problem is that when I map Axis 2 (the throttle on the controller) to throttle ingame with the Advanced FlyByWire mod, it only uses one half of the throttle, and if the input is not inverted, pulling the throttle fully backwards makes the ingame throttle go to 100% and centering it mkes it go to zero. Obviously I want to use the full range of the throttle, as I have no use for reverse throttle in KSP, and it isn't even supported. So, how could I make use of the full range of the throttle?

Edited by Crazy Inventor
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